Oneshot (maybe)

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Okay as an apology for not writing another chapter cause I'm still brainstorming and because I saw we hit 53k????????? What like how just- idk but her is a one-shot that has nothing to do with the plot maybe 'ere we go


Kirishima and Bakugo have been together for almost ten years. there ten year anniversary is actually tomorrow and Kirishima is anxious for many reasons, one being that his explosive blonde has been nervous, jumpy and avoiding him the other reason is He is worried that him and Bakugo weren't going anywhere, he didn't want to make his lover feel rushed but that doesn't mean he can't be anxiously talking to a certain alien queen.

Kirishima POV

"I mean it's not like I want him to propose-"

"Yes you do don't lie to me"

"I don't want him to propose now but I'm wondering if it'll ever happen you know I love him to pieces but I don't want to be in a relationship where it's not gonna happen eventually" Kirishima countered

"Kirishima you don't want to rush him right?" Mina asked

"No never"

"Then calm down and wait and see what happens and if it really bugs you then talk to him about it ya dingus" the pink girl said slightly exasperated with the spikey haired boy

"Ok ok I'll talk to him about it after our anniversary. Now that that's out of the way tell me how are you and Hagakure doing?"

Time skip to anniversary night

Kirishima was upset today was his 10th anniversary with the one and only Katsuki Bakugo. But this morning Kirishima woke up to an empty spot next to him instead of  poofy blonde spikes.

As he made his way downstairs said blonde wasn't in the house so Kirishima just went to his hero agency to work for the day, but he didn't see explodie boy anywhere it was now the evening and he hasn't seen Bakugo all day, Kirishima was worried that his boyfriend had forgotten today and went out with his other friends from his agency.

That thought brought tears to his eyes Bakugo really didn't care did he.

Kirishima made his way upstairs stripping his shoes and socks wiping his eyes he went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror wondering what was so wrong that Bakugo would pass him off like this Kirishimas eyes raked over his spikey dyed red hair to his scar to his red puffy eyes to the tear streaks to the frown on his face

Am I not good looking enough for him he wondered to himself

No I'm amazingly kind and manly if it's my looks then Bakugo doesn't deserve me or at least that's what Mina thinks With those encouraging thoughts Kirishima sniffed and wiped his eyes dry they were still red but they would die down soon enough

Kirishima opened the bathroom door and made his way to there bedroom he opened the door to see a pacing Bakugo who immediately turned and smiled at Kirishima then frowned noticing his red eyes not noticing the frown towards himself

Bakugo ran to Kirishima cupping his face "What happened love why were you crying? Did someone do this? I'll kill em" Kirishima threw Bakugo hands off his face

"Where the hell have you been all day?" Kirishima snapped Bakugo eyes widened

"I-I've been prepping for tonight"

"And you didn't bother to tell me I've been beating myself up all day because I thought you had forgotten about today and wondering what I did wrong and-" Bakugo cut him off with a kiss soft and loving Kirishima sighed

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