Chapter 12

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Sorry I'm late........ again gogogoooooo

(warning angst sorry but I promise this is like one of the last times)


We all talked avoiding the topic of marriage, for now I mean. I guess I don't mind marrying him, but he's right; we're sixteen, not ready for that yet. Later that night after we went home and went to bed, I dreamed of us dancing on our wedding night happily married with a smile on my face.

6 months later


Aizawa made his way down the hallway to the dorms, unlocking the door with his pass, he nodded towards a few early risers like Iida (I promise that's a capital i, not an l)and Todoroki. It was currently 4:00 AM and the final day of Kirishima and Bakugos 'resting' period. Speaking of Kirishima and Bakugo, that was Aizawa's destination. His pace quickened to get to their dorm

Aizawa raised his fist and knocked three times. Nothing. He knocked again and waited.

"Shit, fuck, Katsuki why did you leave the weights out ow" Aisawa heard. then the door opened to reveal a shirtless Kirishima with Bakugo right behind.

"Yes, Aizawa-sensei?" Kirishima asked.

"Kirishima, I am here to inform you that there is a trial in place set for later today at 5:30 pm against your dad." at Kirishima's scared look and Bakugos confused and angry look, he answered the unsaid questions. "It is a guaranteed win and only for legal purposes. As for Kirishimas safety, we will have multiple pro heroes like myself, Mic, and all might, recovery girl will be there as well." Kirishima nodded and Bakugo pulled Kirishima into a hug and nodded a goodbye to their teacher as he shut the door. Aizawa, having done his job, went back to his and Mics shared 'apartment' by the dorms and sighed as he opened the door to wake a sleeping Mic.

11 hours later 2 hours before the trial still no POV

Kirishima was pacing nervously, waiting for Bakugo to get back from the girl's dorm where he was grabbing their suits. Uraraka and Mina agreed to iron and steam them. While Kirishima was pacing he started having flashbacks.


Kirishima was terrified, he was ten minutes late from a study group with his friends and it was his dad's weekend. Kirishima was running as fast as he could to get home. He took a left then a right, trying to think of how he could get out of a beating lie? no that's not manly, I guess if I tell the truth it won't be so bad right? as Kirishima rounded the corner he saw his dad's house his stomach dropped.

his dad wasn't there.

'wheres the car???' Kirishima wondered turning on the spot, Kirishima walked into the house carefully. He opened the door and glanced around he couldn't see or hear his dad and that was terrifying Kirishima hated waiting especially when he knew he was getting punished, he waited on the couch shaking in fear.




After four hours Kirishima was starting to doze off as it was past his bedtime. The door opened and slammed shut Kirishima flinched and looked up to see his dad standing in front of him scowling, Kirishima looked down and began to mumble an apology when a hand came across his face he toppled onto his side and whimpered he paused before trying to move back up but before he was all the way up his dad grabbed his hair and lifted him up. Kirishima instinctively grabbed at his dads' hands that were pulling at his hair Kirishima's dad growled and tossed him across the room Kirishima hit the wall and laid against the floor desperately trying not to cry or make any noises which only makes him madder.

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