Chapter 11

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Sorry for the wait hehe 😅 been a bit busy dealing with going into high school and I've been talking to this girl who I'm interested in and trying to work up the courage to ask her out (cause imma shy mother fucker) anyway and got a little sidetracked and then I saw WE HAVE 63K WTF HOW???? I SAW IT AND FREAKING DROPPED MY TABLET AND YELLED my mom was like wth is wrong with you and I showed her and she was like oh shit then I remembered the chapter idea I had and was like iait let's do this shiz so l e t s g o b r o s 

Kirishima who turned and nestled his head in between bakugos neck and shoulder snuggling him tiredly Bakugo chuckled softly and turned off the light and snuggled Kiri back falling asleep with the love of his life contents and happy

Kirishimas POV

I blearily opened my eyes blinking multiple times to clear them, I looked up at my boyfriend and sighed I didn't want to get up right now. I was about to fall back asleep when I heard


I quickly and carefully turned around to shut off whatever the ringing was and saw it was my boyfriend's phone.someone was calling him I looked at the caller id at it said old hag, I sighed and answered for him as he was asleep 




who is this you don't sound like the brat?

it's me Kirishima.


I giggled 

yes, your 'idiot son' has confessed yes we are dating and hello Mrs.Bakugo.

oh please, child call me Mitsuki Mrs.Bakugo makes me sound old.

alright, then may I ask why you called.

well I wanted to see if you were alright Katsuki was a mess the entire time you were hospitalized and I wanted to know when you guys could come visit I haven't seen the brat in a while Masaru also misses the brat a little.

Well, I don't mind coming over there later today at maybe around 6 or 7 fine?

That's perfect ill see you boys then.

By Mrs- Mitsuki.

bye, kid.

I hung up and rolled over facing Bakugos sleeping form and sighed, I guess I have to wake him up now I poked his cheek no response I did it again,once again no response I sighed and leaned forward slightly and gently placed my lips on his, almost immediately he responded flipping us so he was on top of me and licked my lips asking for entrance I opened my mouth submerging into the kiss before quickly pulling away we had something to do today.

"good morning Kat" he grumbled and flopped on top of me.

"go back to sleep Ejiro"

"no can do Kat we got places to be"


"well first the closet to get dressed, then downstairs for breakfast, then to your mom's house for a visit"

".... what"

"your mom called and asked us over and I agreed now get up and get dressed" he groaned dramatically and got off me going over to the closet, grabbing a pair of grey joggers and his signature skull sweatshirt, while I changed into a red crew-neck long-sleeved shirt and black skinny jeans. I smiled at him he then walked into the bathroom grabbing a comb and pushed me onto the bed, then sat on the floor in front of me and held the comb up. I chuckled and grabbed the comb from him and began to comb out his hair, he hummed at the feeling of the bristles going through his hair gently and snarled quietly at the tangles that tugged, after I was finished he thanked me and went back in the bathroom and began brushing his teeth.

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