2: perfect boyfriend

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My phone made a loud ding as we approached our location in the moving vehicle, I open it up to a response from Tannar 'Of course! Come tonight if you want'. I smiled, even if my night at the club was bad, I knew I could have fun with Tannar. As I respond, we pull up, and I watch the group of people pile out of the car and into the dimly lit building.
I practically grab onto Kath as we approach the bar, she gives me a reassuring smile as I order myself a drink. Taking a few sips, then asking her to go out and dance with me, trying to let the guys have the time they apparently needed. We danced like idiots for a while, Cray sometimes joining. For about an hour we repeat the same pattern, get a drink, dance, finish drink, get another drink.
The fast pace of the night caused me to be a little tipsy, not gonna lie. Although I felt a tad dizzy, I could still tell that Marcus was getting a little bored. "Hey, why don't you go hangout with him, I'll go back by the guys too!" I say into her ear, we nod and return to the bar where they all set.
Which somewhat made the situation even more odd, we had been here at the bar for about an hour and I hadn't seen Lannan drink once. Believe me, he's not usually one to hold back; nor had I seen him talk which was another thing he loved to do. But lachlan on the other hand, had a few down, which was not usually his demeanor when going out.
I head over to stand next to him, the bar sitting cray, lannan and lachlan, then the couple around the corner. Attempting to hold myself still, I lean against the bar and motion the bartender over, "two double shots please". I say this as I can hear some banter behind me from Lachlan's conversation with Cray. He pulls me by my waist a little closer to him as the four shots were delivered. I lean down the bar, in front of Lannan but not even looking towards hm, and hand two of them to cray, "Hey, I know Chloe's not here but you deserve some fun too."
The sentence brings some joy around the group as I smirk at him. He laughs and begins to shout in his distinct voice "Violeeeet, you shouldn't have, welllll... down we go!" causing me to giggle. A tad bit of joy contains Lannan as he begins his drinking song, causing us all to laugh and go on a bit less tense.
I order myself another drink and plop next to Lachlan and try to participate in their conversation, letting everything spin, hurting my head with every bass drop. Nathan, Kath and Marcus danced with me for a while, until the night had to come to an end, or we would have a very ill Violet on our hands.
I held onto the bar as I span in my seat, "H-hey Lannan please take me home w-with you, I want to hangout with Tannar!!! And you toooo if you want!" I smile as I continue to fidget. "Lachy that's alright, right?" Lachlan stood in front of me, nearly intoxicated himself. His cheeks were overwhelmed with pink when he got drunk, and his eyes looked dazed as he nodded and kissed my head before following everyone else out the bar and back to the house.
"Okay, lets go" Lannan whispers, as I follow him out, I tried to stay near him but he didn't seem to what me that close. Truly I don't remember much, I remember talking to him on our way home. He looked at first, a tad annoyed, but after a few minutes I had gotten him laughing. I had laid my head on his shoulder, and asked him to tell me stories about his childhood. He happily obliged, playing with my hair and speaking of Jarrad and Callan. They all were such sweet stories, you could say, young boys are quite dumb is what I learned. He helped me up to the apartment, where he tried saying goodnight, I tried to stop him and get him to talk to me more. He sweetly smiled and chuckled to himself, shaking his head. He picked me up, brought me to Tannar's bed, laid me down and covered me in the blankets. I tried once more to ask him to stay, I could tell he thought about it quite hard, before he said goodnight once more. I made a pouty face up to him, he laughed at me as he pulled one of my various hairs out from in front my face. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, so sweetly. I remember the warmth resonating from his body, and the desire I had for him to keep me warm all night. He turned and left, flicking the light off, whispering 'sweet dreams, V'.
The room was empty, but I could hear the shower running across the hall. I sat up, and let my cold feet crawl upon the even colder wooden floor, "Tannar?" I shouted from the room. Giggling softly at my new outfit, one of Lannan's sweatshirts, I must've not remembered that part.
"Here!" She yelled from the kitchen, I walked towards the voice. Turning the corner to the room, spotting her grabbing the ingredients for a smoothie, "You want one?" she asked lightly. I smiled sweetly and nodded, she was so sweet even when she was nasty. Her light blond hair cascaded wonderfully, one thing I always loved about her. "So, how you feeling, give me the details of last night!" she said nearly intrigued.
"Well, to be honest I feel relatively fine. After a shower, I would be good as new. And as for last night, well that was real odd. Lachlan asked like I didn't exist compared to the boys, Lannan just stayed as old Lannan, like he hated me, and everyone else was normal. I don't know it was just weird." The memories of drunk me and Lannan went through my head, I remembered how sweet he was- and that I had just lied to my best friend.
I explained a few events as Tannar tried to make sense of it all. We sipped all our smoothies and laughed. After talking we decided to watch a movie, eat some lunch and sunbathe, it was a nice lazy Saturday. Lannan had popped in to say hello, I smiled widely at him, thanking him for everything and exchanging his sweatshirt for some of Tannar's clothes. She had started talking about bras or something, when Lannan decided this was girl time.
It was about 4 p.m. when my phone began to go off. I groaned at the noise, having to get up from my tanning spot and answer it. I flipped it over, fully expecting it to be Grace about some project for Elliot or Bazz. But Lachlan's name covered the screen, I flipped it to show Tannar as she nodded in a reassuring manner.
I slid the little phone, and let his voice resonate on speaker, "Hey, Violet can you talk?" I answered with a yes as he shakily continued "I'm sorry about the way I acted last night, I was super stressed during my holiday, and truthfully I just took it out on you, which I shouldn't have done. I would love to make it up to you on a date tonight, if you'd let me." he said softly. I looked back up to Tannar for another hopeful nod, which I received. I whispered an okay, and you could hear a breath of air released from the other side, "okay 6 o'clock" he says more confidently. My best friend's eyes gaze for mine, even only after knowing one another for a few months, she can tell when I am not whole. In this moment, she knew, but she decided to just hold that reassuring gaze with me, instead of asking about problems that may not have appeared to me yet.
This made me realize even further, Lachlan was practically the perfect boyfriend. Yet at the moment, he didn't feel perfect for me.
hey guys, how long have you been watching Lannan?

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