6: midwest

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I truly spent most of the day writing, tears splattered across the page. It was some of the best damn poetry I was able to put out. Although it was easy for me to express myself into euphemisms and similes, I could not put a real life voice to these melancholy words
I showered, and layed in bed numbly. It may seem so stupid, but this was my life. I had no other friends, no family, no backup job, no nothing. If this turned out badly, I was back to America, to start over yet again. I was really beginning to love Australia, it was one of my childhood dreams to get away and live here. I truly cared for Lachy, Lannan and all my friends too. The whole situation left me with no words to say, I was damn near empty.
It hit near 7pm, and 9 hours of loathing around, that I got a text from Lachlan. It caused my stomach to twist lightly, his name upon my screen. 'I could use some work help, I'll stop by?' it read. I answered confirming it was okay, and in no time he showed up at my door.
"Hey, how are you?" he says as he enters the door, kissing my head softly, walking towards my living room.
He plops onto the couch as I look at him intently, "good, how are you?"
I flat out lie.
"Great, so I was wondering if you would make sure this tweet is okay, it's pretty controversial about this whole OP sword business..." his voice continues on but it seems to just swell my brain. I take a seat next to him, as he wraps his arm around me. He doesn't know and it's going to hurt him, one of his bestfriends and his girlfriend? He continues to explain the whole ordeal as I help him fix a few concepts in the tweet, and he mentions the video he uploaded about it.
"Lets watch it!" I blurt out, my mind is totally in scrambles. He nods as I get up to grab my laptop, handing it to him. He searches up the video and nudges me to come closer. I cuddle into his side, feeling my cheeks begin to warm up again. A sense of hot tears nearly filling my eyes, as I fight it once again.
The video allows me to giggle, his frustration is comedic. I try to show sympathy towards him, by rubbing his hand, keeping my eyes focused on the video. The remainder of the time he spent with me felt a tad more normal, if that word could mean the same thing again. I say goodbye to him, as he reminds me again, Lannan's party is tomorrow.
I head to my room, and lay out a flowy, open back, white dress and pair of casual heels that I rarely wear. A gold sparkle catching my eye in the corner of the room, his card and gift lay across my desk so innocently. I remember when I bought in months ago.
It was simple to get Tannar to go to the shops with me, she loved new outfits just as much as I did. Lannan on the other hand- was nearly impossible. I spent an hour trying to convince him to go out with us, his excuses meant no sense, but they caused a great laugh so I let him slide his way out of it.
We nearly window shopped in Sydney, everything here was much more expensive. I had promised Tannar in my hometown we could do triple the buying for half the price. I promised her I would take her to see Chicago, and REAL cold weather. That comment made her laugh, as she explained the rumor about Lannan in Boston, and how the East forever scared her. The story made me giggle even more as I corrected her, Chicago was the midwest. She nearly face palmed as we walked. I stopped in my tracks as I noticed a tiny glimmer of gold from a window, the shine reminded me of Lannan's eyes on the day we had met. I walked closer and peered through the glass to see an engravable Laser pointer. It was so stupid, but I instantly thought of Lannan.
Yes, of course. I bought it and engraved 'Lazarbeam' and '5 M bloody legends' on it. Which, now was completely off, considering he had 7M, but the milestone was so huge for him, I knew the present would mean just as much a couple million later.
I remember the way Tannar looked at me, when I smiled holding that stupid thing. She knew, before I knew- she always knew.


sorry it's short!! also sometimes it doesn't like to indent cause I just copy and paste my writing from google docs, so sorry about that, but I am on Chapter 16 in my google doc version so catch me updating a lot!!!

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