7: open book

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'go without me, I'll meet you there, I'm running a bit late' my text sends off to Lachlan as I toss my phone off to the side, bouncing on my bed's white sheets and landing on the dress I had laid out the previous night. God, what was I thinking, could I wear that? Could I even go? I don't even think they've talked, what if Lannan says something? No, it's not his place... What if he's with another girl? I don't even think I can be around him at this rate...

My thoughts are bombarded with terrible conclusions, but it seems the only way I can comfortably cope with what happened only two days ago. The whole situation is too much, bringing me to my knees, tiny yelps left my lips as I let the tears I've been holding back poor down my face. I could've sat there for hours, but the ring off my phone disrupts me once again. Lachlans name sitting on the screen 'okay darling, don't be too late, we'll miss you.', I can read in the tiny description. I open it up to a selfie of him, a drink, and Nathan's silly face. Although I hadn't been that close to Nathan, especially recently- he always had my back and seemed to always understand how I was feeling. The first night Lachy came home, the time Lannan and I first kissed...

Wait, I can do this, I did this once already. I deeply exhale and toss the phone back on the bed, turning back around to the closet. The moments I spend searching for the right dress cause momentary defeat, until I come across an old dress. It was a simple off the shoulder, royal blue short dress, maybe even a tad too short for me now, but it was the perfect amount of classic and simple. I paired nude tie-up heels with them, placed a few rings on and headed back to the mirror.

My eyes we're slightly puffing from all the crying, and my cheeks seemingly forever flushed. I decided to go with the most natural dewy makeup I could, but in attempt to cover my eyes I placed some thick eyelashes on. My pink face and lips contrasted nicely with the blue, my deepened Australia tan really sticking out. If I could make myself look put together, I can act put together.

I was nearly two hours late by the time I had rushed out the door to the Uber, but I merely only missed the hours people would be conversing before excessive drinking. I clunked to the Uber, my phone and wallet in one hand, Lannan's encased gift in another. It looked just like a pen case, I couldn't bring myself to write a card so it had just been that simple, little gift.

When I knew I had almost arrived at the bar, I texted Tannar, and asked her to come meet me outside. When my vehicle stopped and I said my pardons, I could see her standing sweetly on the curb. The moment I connected my eyes with hers, she smiled the type of smile that was only used for reassurance. Before we could speak, I hugged her and let myself take a deep breathe. She made the interaction short, but caught my eyes at the end. "Hey, it's going to be alright, now c'mon in here, I want to drink with my best friend, aye?". Her optimistic voice allowed me to exhale with another somewhat fake smile.

She led me inside, and around to the patio that had everyone we knew scattered along. It was somewhat overwhelming, I didn't know a lot of people, and the music was loud. Most people had drinks in their hands, but everyone seemed to have a smile on their face. I looked to Tannar once again, "I'll meet with you in a minute, I need to say hello to Lachlan. But before I go, take this for me, it's his present; I don't think I have the heart to give it to him, so you can." I softly say. She smiles and nods and takes the little case, heading off to sit with Liz, Grace and a few others. My eyes search over the scene again, trying to spot my blond headed boyfriend; he was tall but quite frankly most of them were.

As I scan, I spot his favorite sweatshirt, he was across the patio beyond the pool, standing near one of the bars with a group of boys. Nonetheless, with Lannan, and Nathan. The moment would come no matter what so I had to just tough it up, it would be a dead giveaway something was wrong if I hadn't said hello to him immediately. I take shy strides over to his position, his and Lannan's back was to me. Nathan could see me heading over and smiled, causing Lachy to turn around and see me. Lannan stayed stiff, as if he could tell it was me before I was even there. "Hey, Nathan haven't seen you in a while how are you?" I ask reaching him first.

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