3: melancholy sweetness

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The night was filled with melancholy sweetness as the smell of salty sea air still reminisced my hair. I had gone back with Lachlan to his house, and we layed comfortably in his bed watching a film, I hadn't had much interest but the night had left me quite exhausted. His soft snores only got louder as my eyes became slowly much more heavy, until they seemed to shut completely, too heavy to open on their own.
Yet, a loud ring sprouted from only feet away. I hadn't had to open my eyes to know what my phone was vibrating violently. I reached my hand over, searching for it on the table, with no luck as it continued to ring. With sleepiness in my voice, I pick it up and whisper "hello? What time is it?" Although rightfully it should have came out as a snarl, it was spoken softly with tiny cracks on each syllable.
What further surprised me was Lannan on the receiving side "12:10! I haven't slept in 48 hours and I can't seem to construct a decent enough intro for these videos, help a god damn man get his sleep!" he practically shouted with desperation in his voice, which causes me a slight giggle. I glance over at Lachlan who looks precious wrapped in his blankets asleep, "okay i'm on my way".
Quickly, I order an Uber and write a note while waiting for it to arrive, it read 'Lachy, i'm sorry I had to leave but work called, i'm sure you understand. Sweet dreams, I'll see you soon'. It was only a short drive to Lannan's, I really didn't mind the trip either. It was absolutely wonderful, Sydney hadn't seemed to stop surprising me with its beauty just yet. It also meant I was able to hangout with Tannar some more, so who could really complain.
When I get there, I take a deep breathe in the nights cool air. Allowing myself to wake up just a little before I walk up the stairs and knock upon the door. No answer, I try once again before I let myself in. As soon as I open up the door, I can hear Lannan shouting from his recording room, typical, angry Lannan.
I knock once more just outside the room, which causes a brief moment of silence before the door is swung open. "Violet! Thank god. I was ready to pull a knife out, who knows who it could have been?" Lannan shouts, causing me to giggle at the thought. "What is that funny to you?" He says in a specific tone, I nod with a smile on my face. "Well damn right that's funny, I would run like a baby. Can you help me write these intros?" He explains what he needs help with, surprisingly sweetly. He hands me a few pieces of paper, his eyes wandering for my help like a lost puppy.
I began to work as he leaves the room for my work's sake, and some 'bloody food'. The writing comes easily, because I don't necessarily have to use smart words; we all know Lannan wouldn't use those. The thoughts flow freely, and the whole thing really only takes fifteen minutes. Until the last thing he had asked of me, a new way to introduce his creator code at the end of his video, all I could think was put it on merch. But I thought for sure that was not what he wanted and that problem didn't have an immediate solution. The room was warm and dark besides the light of the screen that was lighting up my paper. I decided to rest my head to relieve some tension from this final debacle. Slowly, my eyes got more heavy as if lead set upon my lids.

The sweet smell of seemingly bergamont caused me to shy awake, momentarily I was confused in the dimly lit area. I reach around for something, my phone even. On the desk I can read '3:45 a.m.' I must have fallen asleep while helping Lannan, but this wasn't Tannars room, it must've been his. His bed spread was brown, and his room slightly messy but it had an odd charm. I wanted to stay and sleep, but I knew I had to check on Lannan.
I lead myself down the stairs to his recording room, this time he only spoke softly. Reminiscent of a few hours ago, I knock again, this time he tells me to come in. "hey v, what happened to not sleeping on the job?" he says with a slight smirk, using that nickname against me.
"Haha, so funny, YOU called ME at midnight to help you, you're lucky I even woke up to give you your bed back." I retort. His smirk widens as he quietly laughs.
"You can stay, if you'd like, Tannar's bed has a billion things on it but i'm sure I could figure it out." he says again softly.
"I'd like that... but now I'm awake and can't really sleep..." I say softly, with a mere second of sadness. His hand moves off his mouse as he looks up at me, and begins to stand up to lead me to the door as I interrupt, "You could teach me how to play fortnite though? I've watched you all play but I've never myself." I spit out this awful idea in hopes to keep the nice Lannan I enjoyed so much around. With that he laughs, "You chose the worst player out of a bloody house of good ones." he pulls another chair to his side. I could hear the slight envy in his voice as he tried to disguise it with laughter.
Either way, tired Lannan spent the next two hours trying to teach me to play his beloved game, even calling Fresh for help. The minute's were engulfed in laughter, sometimes he was boggled with my newb abilities or smiling about my overall knowledge of the game. Either way, after about twenty tries, Fresh had carried me to a win.
Nearly jumping out of my seat, I turn to Lannan and hug him in joy. "I can brag to the rest of Click now" I mention while laughing.
He turns to me chuckling lightly, "yeah they'll only tease you a little bit. As long as you don't tell Elliot, he'll get way to into it" his voice takes a quick change as he lets go of my hug and looks me in the eyes, you could cut the tension in the room with a knife. It seemed every time Lannan and I had a close moment, things would get oddly intense and quickly too. I couldn't quite place my finger on it, I couldn't quite decide why, but his hazel eyes enticed me, I could've looked at them for years.
Yet he fell back into his chair, his eyes sunken even further from before. "That would have made some damn good content, but that's not my video to upload" he drifts off, slightly staring off to the side. There we're a few moments of silence, he allowed me to process the comment. God, he acts so weird about Lachlan. I wish he would've recorded it, hell the title could have been 'teaching lachlans girlfriend how to play fortnite' for all I would have cared. My cheeks turned slightly pink, but I swallowed the angry thought, he's been too nice to me today.
"Lannan, you should really get to bed, I'll take Tannar's so you can sleep nicely in your own."
He nods in agreement, "thank you, goodnight." Without another question, he leaves the room and heads up the stairs, leaving me behind. I should probably head to bed too considering its near 6 am, I should probably set an alarm for at least 2. The crew needs constant checking up on or they won't admit they need help, in most situations at least.
I quietly head to Tannar's room, flicking on the light and spotting a nightmare of clothes and suitcases causing me to giggle at the site, slightly disappointed she was out for the night. I push myself into a tiny corner, smiling as I process the relationship I had with Lannan possibly being back on track; or at least I thought.

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