4: I wanted to

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     The following week provided a very busy work schedule, season 7 had just been released and that means all of click was grinding. Including Grace and other members of the management team. I was in charge of watching each of their videos before they went out, regulating their video descriptions, and writing some tweets for them all to send out for recognition on their videos. I had hung out with Lufu, Grace and Tannar but otherwise my social life was a tad cut off. I had seen Lachlan for work purposes and surprised him with a meal, but it stayed rushed, short and sweet. Although somehow, Lannan had asked for some help, and I had ended up spending hours there. He was craving cookies and 'uber eats' or whatever Australians call it- scares the crap out of me. I tried to teach him how to bake his own, but it ended in disaster... and a little flour... everywhere. What can I say? Getting flour in Lannan's hair was the highlight of my week.
    It was Thursday and nearing the end of the grind. My day was still consumed with various tasks, but I was able to lay back and have some time to myself. It was just about 7 pm when I was finally able to cuddle up in bed with a good book. Reading always reminds me that I can continue to write and put my degree to work. As soon as I switch into my pajamas and plop myself in the comfort of my bed, my phone begins to ring again. It was nearly dreadful, the call could mean many more hours of work when I really just wanted a nap. I reach for it along the scattered blanket, and finally turn it over to read 'lachy'. The name causes conflicting emotions- was it for work or our relationship?
    On the last ring, I slide the call open and whisper a hello. "Hey babe, I know you must be exhausted cause I sure am. Want to come over and just hangout?" He suggests so sweetly.
    His kind gestures meant so much, "I would like to, but i'm currently lying in bed with pajamas and everything included." I retort.
    "Bring them, it'll be cute" he shouts somewhat like a schoolgirl, I could imagine him smiling through the phone.
    "Be there in twenty." I respond, ending the call and ordering an uber. I quickly grab all my belongings and rush down the steps of my apartment building. It really wasn't all that great, a one bedroom, one bath loft- it was damn near nothing compared to Lannan's and it didn't even exist when put next to the click house; that's why i'd like to consider it my second home. The thought of click caused me to tap my converse on the pavement of the curb, how have they been doing? The thought was silly, fore I had seen them two days ago. But they we're basically my family now. The cold spring night gave me a sense of shivers, using my oversized cardigan to pull over my body like a blanket.
    I climbed into the uber, talked to the driver for a few seconds, and pulled out my phone. I clicked on my messages and decided to send a few out.
Tannar: hey, hope your week has been good, see you soon? <3
Grace: Hey girl! Don't have too much fun without me! Hope everyone's doing well! (:
Elliot, Nathan, Brodey, Kath: hey click, hope your all doing good this weekend, let me know if you need me. Have fun!
And last but not least,
Lannan: I hope you've been sleeping more, ya idiot <3
    The group chat kept me quite entertained with complaints about one another, all families bicker right? I had barely even noticed I was almost there, setting my phone aside I waited patiently to see Lachy.
    I knocked on the door lightly and started to text him, but before I could hit send his front door swung open and he placed his hands upon my eyes. "Lachy, what's going on?" I shouted nervously. As he led me through the door, shutting it behind me. Holding on to my hand and covering my eyes all at once, he continued to lead me somewhere.
    "Well, I know we've both had a rough week, so I decided I wanted to do something stress relieving, also take another step down" he announced quite confidently. The cold bit me again, bringing me to a stop, "you can open now" he whispers. I open my eyes to a table covered with candles and a meal, placed perfectly on his balcony with a very distant skyline in the back, causing me to instantly smile and jump into his arms.
    "Thank you, thank you so much, I needed this" I utter while hugging him tightly. He whispers a welcome, as I look up to kiss him.
    In that moment, I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to kiss him passionately and follow wherever it took us. I wanted to smile into a kiss, and tangle my fingers in his hair and feel my cheeks flush.
    But a quick kiss is what came, and a meal
following, and a night that could have been perfect; yet one thing still felt so wrong.
shorter chapter but I wanted to publish a few chapters so the story could get to a better point (-: hope ur liking it, after this chapter my favorites come up!

Second home / Lannan EacottOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz