8: different point of view

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The Uber was cold, music was loud. Tannar had been singing along terribly with the songs. Her, Elliot and Liv decided to spend the night back at our (my) apartment. As we reached the sidewalk, I tried to lawl Tannar out of the car safely. I truly needed friends around me, it was keeping me distracted. She stumbled onto the sidewalk, dropping something on the pavement without realizing it. Her drunk ambience was slightly annoying, but I was buzzed as well so who could complain. She gave me a sense of ease, but a lot of the things she said reminded me of Violet. They we're both so often cheerful, they we're both so stubborn and hot-headed. They wouldn't let anyone step on their toes, unless it was a stupid, stupid boy. "Tannar, what is that?" I say slightly stuttering.

Her head peers around, she does the thing where she steps wherever she's trying to look, which causes me to chuckle. 'Hm? This?" he says as she fumbles to reach towards the object. She picks it up and holds it for a few seconds before slurring "lets go upstairs".

We use the elevator for convenience, no need for an injured soul. The group laughs as Tannar and Liv talk. Elliot looks at Liv with such admiration, I wonder if that's how I had been. The thought causes my stomach to twitch, reminding myself that half the time I was actually quite rude to V. I hated watching her with Lachlan. He deserved her, as she did him, but I wanted her more.

Her smile lit up any room, her passion on everything always inspired everyone. From the day I met her, I knew.


The shouting of the click house was typical, but at this exact moment Grace and Kath we're running around trying to tidy some things in the house. There efforts were sweet but four boys really did a number on this place. I was sitting there laughing, as I watched them scramble around the room and throwing things where they hadn't belonged. I could hear them huff and puff at my laughter.

"Lannan, be useful and go greet Violet at the door, you should do the trick.." she said while running. The two began to bicker jokingly that I would scare the girl off, and that Nathan was our best bet. I didn't understand the big deal anyway, she was just a part of our management team. The only thing I knew about her was that she was 22, from America, and Elliot said she was a much nicer version of Tannar. If she was anything like Tannar, she wasn't much to hype up.

Either way, I got up and headed to the front door of the mansion. I somewhat felt bad for whoever this girl was, she was walking into a crazy life, and she was about to walk into the pouring rain- let's hope she has an umbrella.

After a few minutes, I spotted a black SUV pull up the house, stopping alongside the driveway. The girl began to run in from the car, my thoughts felt jumbled for a second. Her brown hair cascaded below her collarbones, I could see her baby blue eyes from here. She was in the most classic way, absolutely stunning.

I was frozen it seemed, behind the door, and it seemed so was she. She stared intently at the building before her, seemingly taken aback. My feet moved too fast for my thoughts, I pushed open the door and went out to help her. She was just standing in the rain, her thoughts had seemed to carry her away also. I took the coat I was wearing and tried to shield her from becoming even more wet, this caused her to snap back into our reality as we ran inside.

I laughed for a second, draining out my coat and looking at her doing the same. She had a small puddle in her shoes she tried to dump out, laughing.

"Hello, I'm Violet, and you are?" she said shyly while combing out her hair, Her American accent was so lovely, her voice soft and kind. She was gazing at me; I looked up to catch her eyes, it seemed as if she could have kept an entire ocean within them. Being closer to her now, I can spot a few freckles lining her ever-so rosy cheeks. Her eyelashes made her eyes appear so big, she could use them as a weapon. I felt as if I was forever left enchanted with them. She kept her gaze on me for what felt like forever

That night, I had talked to the boys after they had all met her. I told them how I wanted to pursue her... It wasn't her fault that Lachlan was unloyal and went against me, but I took it out on her every goddamn time.


When we reach the door, I swing it open, welcoming them in. We spent the next two hours around the counter, talking about stories, and getting drunker with every passing minute. The events of the night kept my mind off Violet, which I was so thankful for. It was near 4 am when I decided it was time to crash. Tannar's room was being used as a spare for the other two and she was sleeping on a futon, granted she would be too drunk to even care.

I made sure the guests were comfortable, but I know Elliot's a big boy, he doesn't need much help. Before heading to bed, I check on Tannar one last time. "Tannar, i'm heading to bed, alright?" I say while peeking my head around the corner to the lounge. She nods, looking quite ill. I wanted to walk away but I really didn't want her vomiting on the floor. I went into the kitchen and grabbed the biggest bowl I could find, which wasn't much cause we don't have much tableware. I return with it and hand it to her.

She smiles and looks up at me, "thank you" she whispers. I begin to walk away once more, finally ready to rest, as a mutter comes from behind me. She begins to throw up almost instantly, even more so did I want to walk away- but I just couldn't. I head back around and begin to pat her back as she tries to calm her breathing. She laughs lightly, "I feel much better!" she says sarcastically, noticeably less wasted.

"Yeah, I bet. You drank enough for me and you both" I respond, I looked at her as if she was the same baby sister I had years ago. I always wanted to protect her, but I still had to be an asshole about it first.

She softly smiles, as she begins to sit up. Reaching behind her, she pulls out the same thing that she dropped a few hours ago. "Here Lannan. You asked earlier but it wasn't the right time. It's a birthday present, from Violet. She wanted me to give it to you for her." she hands it over to me, I glance at it lightly. Then look back up to her, her reassuring gaze tells me to open it.

I flick the black encasing open, to what seems to be a laser pointer. It was silly, and I knew it was in affiliation with my youtube name. It made me chuckle to myself, probably exactly what she was hoping for. I grab it out of its spot, and examine in. In tiny letters I can read 'LazarBeam 5M'. The thoughtfulness in this silly gift, brought my heart to its stomach. She must've bought this when she first moved here, I had my chance then, didn't I? I can't help but stare at it, and twirl it around between my fingers. I can feel a lump in my throat arise, and my cheeks continue to get hot. My whole body feels heavy, this god damn stupid thing had to remind me of everything I was trying to forget. Right as a tear is about to fall on my cheek, I drop the gift onto the bed, trying to control my emotions best, I walk out onto the patio. It was drizzling, the cold drops basically turning to steam after hitting my hot face. I walk towards the balcony and let my fist hit the concrete, how did I let her get away.


The next morning I left to head back home for a few days, I needed to be alone. I needed to clear my head. I needed to forget her. 

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