1. Comet

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It was your week off from training. Mihawk said he had to go to the Navy HQ for a while and left you in charge of the castle. It was sooooo boring without someone else there. But that quickly changed a day ago when a girl with pink hair crashed on Kuraigana Island, falling from the sky. As you treated her wounds,  she told you her name, Perona, and even with her bad attitude you quickly became friends.

A few days have passed since Perona crashed on Kuraigana Island. She now has her own room near yours. You don't know what Mihawk would think about this but you don't think it would be pleasant. You went out on a stroll around the island, the humandrills keeping their distance away from your strong aura. They started acting like this 3 years after you came here with Mihawk to train your skills. You go under the shade of a nearby pine tree, looking at the small river leading to the nearby ruins. 

You look up to see a small figure flying towards the ruins. 'What's that?' You think to yourself as you look at the figure crash into the ground. 'Might as well check it out.' You shift into your half- form, flying to the crater made by the impact. As you get closer, you realize the crater is in the same shape as Perona's back from when she first got here. You land, the dust slowly fading away revealing a familiar, green haired man. You look in shock seeing him laying down, unconscious and severely wounded. You sigh, shifting into your dragon form and pick up the man, Roronoa Zoro, and fly back to the castle.

Perona, recognizing you from when she first arrived, waved as you approached the castle. As you got closer, she saw who you were carrying and ran outside. 

"(Y/n) what is he doing here?" she hissed as you landed, shifting back to your human form. 

"I don't know what happened to him, but he got here the same way you did." you replied. "And did you two meet somewhere before?" you ask.

"Yea, before Kuma sent me here. We were enemies." She looked back at him. 

"But that was in the past right? It seems your going to be here for a while, so why not forget about it?" I asked. Perona sighs. "I guess our battle is over, seeing as he has his shadow back." 

"Perona can you help me carry Roronoa up to a guest room?" You ask.

"Sure (Y/n)!" Perona smiles at you. Perona and you carry him up slowly, trying to avoid dropping him or running into walls. Finally reaching an empty room near yours and Perona's, you both set Roronoa on the bed near the dusty window. "I'll go get some bandages." Perona says as she leaves the room, leaving Zoro and you alone in the room. You go over to Zoro, take his three swords and set them against the wall next to his bed. 

As you turn around, Perona comes in carrying a few rolls of bandages. "These were all I could find. Do you think it's enough (Y/n)?" She asks. "Yea, that should be more than enough. Thanks Perona!" You smile at her. 

You both start wrapping the bandages around his wounds. As you were wrapping a bandage around his chest, you see his large scar and remember Mihawk talking about a swordsman that challenged him. Just as you started to recall the conversation with Mihawk, Zoro starts to wake up.



Hey Guys! Thanks for reading! I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Hope you all have a fun time! 

Bye, see you in a week! : )


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