11. Setting off to Fish-man Island (Part 3)

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Woot! I'm back! I'm sorry I was gone for a while... I was put into honers and was given more work on top of all my other work and I put off making more chapters (I'm lazy -_-). I'm ready to start writing again! :3  (Also this video isn't mine)


I then hear the anchors starting to come up.


(Y/n)'s POV

My body starts to shiver. Not from fear or cold, but from excitement! I finally get to go see the world with my new friends! I punch a fist into the air and shout, "Let's set sail!" which earns grins from the crew, everyone punching the air and yelling in agreement. 

I saw that Usopp had a worried look on his face. "What's the matter Usopp?" Chopper asked. "I was just thinking... did you guys beat all those Navy soldiers?" Usopp asks. "No, we heard them shouting while we were flying." I answered him. "Then, why aren't they coming after us from inland?" Usopp questions. "As long as they're not coming, that's good. If they're in trouble, we're lucky. Let's just leave now!" I respond.

"Nami, lead the way!" I hear the cyborg, Franky, yell. "You can count on me!" Nami responds as she starts the preparations to set sail. I look down and notice the bubble-like substance coating the ship start to inflate. I yell out in excitement and awe as it slowly inflates.  "Listen guys. A coated ship has the ability to reduce any kind of pressure. So once you remove the floating bag at the ship's bottom which keeps it on the surface, it'll be less buoyant and start to sink. That's how it works." Nami informs the crew. Luffy and Zoro respond with a stern "I see." 

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" I shout cheerfully. 'I wonder how Perona's doing... well, knowing her she's totally fine.' 

Perona (3rd Person)

"Damn that bastard! He gave me trouble to the last minute!" Perona says angrily as she sits on the top a pillar, overlooking the navy soldiers down below.



OMG IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! I had writers block.... I probably will still have slow updates, Finals are next week. (Also sorry the chapter is so short.)

See ya soon!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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