9. Setting off to Fish-man Island

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Quick A/N:

This will be the last chapter before the summer. I will continue this after summer, so don't worry. I've been trying to focus on school and I need to catch up on my work. Again, i'm so sorry I won't be writing over the summer.


"Sure, I could use some fun."


(Y/n)'s POV

"There you are!" Someone happily cries out. I look up to see a a huge bird with a small raccoon on its back. I see Luffy smile at him. Turns out, he was another crew member, Chopper, and OMG HE IS SO CUTE. We hop on to his bird friend and head to the Sunny. 

As the ship comes into view, I see five figures waving at us from the ship. "HEY! EVERYBODY!" Luffy yells out waving back at them. "I brought them!" Chopper shouts. I turn around and see Chopper on Zoro's shoulder. 'That's so cute!' I think to myself. On the ship, a man with a long nose shouts "Luffy! Zoro! Sanji!" They must not have noticed me yet. The others on the boat say their hellos and then Sanji got a nosebleed and fell off the bird. 'He'll be fine.' I say to myself watching him fall into the water.

The bird lets us off on the ship and we all thank him as he flies off. "Who are you?" a woman with long orange hair asks me. I turn around to face the crew. "I'm (Y/n)! Nice to meet you guys!" you answer with a smile. "I'm Nami." she then points to the other crew mates on the ship, "That's Robin," she says pointing at a black haired woman. "Franky, he's a cyborg. Usopp is the one that went to go get Sanji. And Brook..." She was cut off when a skeleton with an afro came over and said, "Can I see your panties?" Before I could say no, grab him and throw him in the water, Nami punched him hard in the head. "Baka! Stop doing that!" He was knocked out from the punch Nami gave him. 'Ok, note to self: Don't make Nami angry.' Then Usopp came back with Sanji and put him down as Sanji mutters something like, "Beautiful woman..." Usopp holds him saying, "Hey, stay with me! This isn't good. Chopper stop the bleeding!" When Chopper takes Sanji to patch him up, Luffy announces to the crew, "This is our new nakama, (Y/n)!"

"Let's go!"



Hi guys! Finally, I finished the chapter! Don't forget to comment, vote, and add this story to your list! See you after the Summer!


(P.S. I will comment back on my alt account over the summer)

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