Author's Notes (Will be updated throughout the book)

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Sorry no chapter this week, I didn't get to work on it. I'm trying to make it a long chapter so I don't know how long it will take to finish. Please be patient. 





Im sorry for taking so long with the next chapter.(Btw it's about 70% done) My schedule is packed. I got 2 AP CSP classes after school, 1 essay, and 2 projects. I'm also applying for a job for the summer. Please wait just a little longer!




I'm sorry that I'm taking so long! I had a busy weekend and I'm tired from it. But don't worry! The chapter is almost done! (85% Complete) If I'm not as busy, I should be able to finish it sometime this week! See you soon!


(edits: Corrected chapter 2/ Corrected beer to sake)



Things are starting to settle down, so I will write a few shorter chapters soon. I might go back to updating on Fridays next week. See you guys then!



(edits: changed thoughts from italic to apostrophe/single quotation mark and capitalization fixes) 



(edits: added chapter numbers)

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