Poem (Van Gogh's Sunflowers)

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I'm alone today

I take the time to wander

I wander down from the grounds

down to a world that must've been a dream

In my hand I feel the soft light petals

which are the smoothest I've ever touched

It makes me want to taste them but I know that I shouldn't do. 

They feel familiar as if I've seen them before

That's when it strikes me!

Van Gogh, Van Gogh too had such a love for sunflowers 

and now here in person I feel I can understand why. 

They are so light that there is no room for darkness. 

They open as if they're speaking and it makes me wonder if he had spoken back,

Maybe theses flowers understood him as he did them and maybe these flowers understand all who speak to them, 

acting as a beacon of hope to those in need of saving. 

It may have been too late for Van Gogh but I feels it's not for me.

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