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The next morning, Louis woke up in an empty bed that wasn't his.  He sat up and rubbed his eyes and took in his surroundings.  Water could be heard from behind a door next to the room.  Suddenly the water stopped a couple of minutes later the door opened, revealing Harry with a towel wrapped around his hips and his damp hair sitting on his shoulders.

"Hiya Lou. Sleep well?" Harry smiled at him then went to get clothes from his wardrobe.

"Yes thank you Hazzy." Louis said.

"I was going to drive you back to your house so you can get some clothes before school starts. Sound good?" Harry asked turning to face Louis.

Louis nodded and began to get out of bed and get back into his clothes from the day before, not caring that Harry was there too.  Louis then sat on the bed and tied his shoes and looked up to see Harry fully dressed.

"Let's go love." Harry smiled and held his hand out for Louis.


Once they arrived at Louis' house, the door was unlocked and Jay was sitting eating her breakfast.

"Hello boys." She smiled brightly at them.

"Hi mummy." Louis smiled, "This is Harry."

"Nice to meet you Mrs Tomlinson." Harry said.

"Oh that makes me feel old. Call me Jay." Jay informed him.

"I'm going to get a change of clothes, come on Hazzy." Louis announced before grabbing Harry's hand and attempting to drag him upstairs.

"Lou, I'm a lot heavier than you." Harry laughed.

Louis pouted at Harry before giggling and walking towards his room, with Harry following close behind. Louis walked into his walk-in wardrobe and he ran his finger along all his clothes hung up.  He turned to find Harry looking intently at all the skirts Louis had on show.

Louis bit his lip and walked to Harry.

"Good choice Hazzy." Louis said before reaching up to grab his black skater skirt and turning back around to pick the rest of his outfit.

Harry bit his lip as he watched the small boy.  He noticed that Louis' brows furrowed in concentration.  Once Harry had come back to reality, he noticed Louis had now completed his outfit. 

"I'm going to take a shower. You can sit in my room." Louis said as he walked into his en suite bathroom.

Harry wandered around Louis' room and took in how sophisticated yet adorable it was.  Harry looked at the pictures laid out on Louis' desk.  There was a baby blue Polaroid camera on a shelf along with some pictures hanging below it.

It wasn't long before the bathroom door opened and Louis had walked out, holding the previous pile of clothes he had. He placed them in the laundry basket before sitting at his vanity to fix his hair.

"You look amazing, love." Harry said, realizing Louis blushed at the name.

Louis was wearing the black skater skirt from earlier, a cream knitted jumper and he picked up a grey scarf and hung it loosely around his neck. He later picked tan ankle boots as well.

"Thank you Haz." Louis smiled at him.

Louis fixed his hair, got his bag ready and they headed off to school in Harry's car.  They arrived still with minutes to spare. 

"See you at lunch Lou?" Harry suggested.

Louis nodded and they separated ways to their lockers.


At lunch Louis met Harry and the others at their table. They were discussing a party that one of the footballers were hosting.

"Louis will you be there?" Gigi asked.

Louis thought about it.

"Don't know, I don't drink." He said.

"Harry there doesn't drink either, do you?" Niall said.

Harry shook his head, "Nope."

"Okay I'll go." He smiled.

"Great, it's this Friday." Zayn told them.

They continued to talk about it until the end of lunch... as did everybody else.

Short part: longer part in next chapter. Hope you're enjoying so far even though updates are quite far apart.

Crossdress. // l.s.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora