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After a day of lounging around and caring for Harry,  Louis went to school.  He thought about and missed Harry all day but at least he had his group of friends.

They were all sitting at a table at lunchtime and chatting about things.

"Louis, you've been quiet today.  Missing Harry?" Gigi asked.

Louis nodded and played with his food.

"What's wrong with him? He's not spoken to any of us." Liam asked.

"He has ton-tonsil-tonsillitis." Louis struggled to say it and looked up at them all.

"Are you seeing him after school?" Niall asked him.

"Yeah," Louis smiled, "Will I tell him you all said Hi?" He asked.

"Yeah you could, that would be nice.  You could also tell him that Gigi is having a party this weekend and he's invited." Zayn told him.

"Okay." Louis said and smiled at them.

"Louis stop playing with your food, Harry wouldn't want you to not eat it." Niall said.

Louis laughed.  Someone else knew exactly what Harry would've said.


After school, Niall gave him a lift to Harry's after Louis insisting that he didn't need one.  Niall had secretly got a text from Harry to make sure he got there safe and thanked him in advance.

Louis smiled at Niall as he exited the car.

"Thank you Ni." Louis waved as he headed up the path to Harry's front door.

Niall waved to him and drove off.

Louis knocked on the painted door with the sleeve from one of Harry's sweaters covering his hand.  Anne answered the door and spoke to the small boy about his day before telling him that Harry was in his room.

Louis knocked softly on his bedroom door and opened it.

"Hi baby, I missed you." Harry croaked and opened his arms wide.

"Missed you too Hazzy." Louis said and walked into the arms awaiting him.

"Did you have a good day?" The taller boy wondered.

"Yes.  Everyone says hi and Zayn told me to tell you that Gigi is having a party this weekend, we're invited." Louis said, making sure he got all the details.

"You look so cute when you concentrate." Harry said as he hugged his boyfriend.

"Thank you." Louis smiled up at him.

"You also look very good in my clothes." Harry commented, eyeing Louis up and down.

"Your clothes are very comfy." Louis told him.

The two boys lay together and watched a programme on tv in comfortable silence.

Anne had called them both down for dinner. She had made soup, mainly to get some nutrition into her son. They all sat together around the table and spoke about everything.

"Have you seen your sisters lately Louis?" Anne asked.

"Yes. I call my mum everyday and I facetime one of the girls to speak to them all." Louis told her.

"That's good." Anne said and had another spoonful of soup.

They talked some more until they were finished.

"Okay I'll take the bowls now we're all finished." Anne announced and collected everything.

Louis and Harry offered to wash the dishes but Anne insisted that they didn't have to.

The two boys headed back upstairs and lay back on his bed.

"I got you homework from your teachers." Louis told him.

"I'll get it later. Cuddling you is more important." Harry mumbled into Louis, pulling him closer.

Louis snuggled into him, inhaling the faint smell of bodywash from him.

"Can we go on a walk?" Louis asked him.

"Of course, it'll be good to clear my head." Harry said.

Louis jumped up and put his denim jacket over Harry's jumper and the leggings he was wearing.

Harry laughed at how exited he was.

"Okay calm down Lou." He chuckled.

Louis bounced downstairs and excitedly told Anne that they were going on a walk. She asked them if they could get some food for her and handed them a short list. The two boys set off hand in hand down the street. They walked towards the store and got all the things they needed.

One their way back, Louis looked at all the families.  He'd wondered if Harry thought about families too.  They were young and shouldn't be thinking about things like that but Louis couldn't help it.

"Do you think you'll get married some day Haz?" Louis asked him.

Harry was surprised.

"Well yes.  I hope that someday we'll get married Lou." Harry told him.

"Really?" Louis asked, eyes wide.

"Yeah, love.  I saw you looking at the families with children.  If that's what you want later in life, you'll have just that." Harry told him, swinging their hands.

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