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On Friday, the day of the party, the whole school was talking about it. The conversations ranged from how they were getting there and what they were all wearing.  Louis had a rough idea as to what he would be wearing.  He had come to the conclusion rather quickly that he was quite fond of Harry and wanted to impress him.  Little did he know, Harry too was quite fond of the small boy himself.

The day dragged for everyone as they watched the clock to see how long was left before the weekend.  Everyone was quick to leave the classroom when the day had finished and all rushed home to get ready.

"Hiya Lou." Harry said as he met the smaller boy at the door.

"Hi haz." Louis smiled.

The two got into Harry's car and headed towards Louis' house, chatting along the way.

"I'll pick you up at 8, Zayn's house is a while away." Harry told him as he walked him to his door.

"Okay thank you, bye bye Haz." Louis waved as he closed the door.


8pm came and Louis waited in his room until he heard the doorbell.  His small body was wrapped in a black velvet dress that stopped just above the knee, his feet covered by black heels and his shoulder wore a gold bag with a chain.

Louis unlocked the door and smiled widely at the taller boy in front of him. Harry stared down at the petite boy in awe.

"Do I look okay Haz?" Louis asked.

"Y-you look amazing." Harry stuttered.

"Thank you. Let's go, well be late." Louis grabbed Harry's hand and lead him out the house. He locked the door and then followed Harry to his car.

They got into the car and set off to Zayn's house.

"Can you put the radio on?" Louis asked.

"Of course, love." Harry said and turned on the radio. Ariana Grande was on and Louis immediately started singing.

As Louis softly sang along to No Tears Left to Cry, Harry listened intently to how on key the small boy was.

In just under half an hour, they had arrived at Zayn's. Harry parked the car in his garage and the two boys headed towards the loud music. As soon as they stepped foot in the house, the smell of alcohol and sweat hit them. Louis grimaced at the smell.

Harry gently took Louis' hand and lead him to the back garden where he knew Zayn and the others would be.

"Hi Lou, I love your dress." Gigi exclaimed as she ran to hug him.

"Come and sit down, it's too loud in there." Niall said and gestured to the tan couch that was placed outside.

There was a lot of room on the large couch but Louis insisted on sitting right next to Harry and he didn't mind one bit.

As the night progressed, people became more drunk and the warm summer night grew milder. The group of friends laughed and shared stories with Louis. His laugh rang through Harry's ears as though it was music.

"Hazzy." Louis nudged him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, my love." Louis blushed at the name again.

"Will you come with me to the toilet?" Louis whispered.

Harry nodded and followed Louis upstairs to the toilet. He waited outside for Louis and watched as the drunks stumbled passed him. One girl in particular was very drunk.

"Hi Harry." She slurred.

"Hi." He replied flatly, he didn't remember the girls name.

"Wanna come downstairs with me? I've lost my boyfriend but you'll do." She suggested.

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