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Many weeks came and went.  Several more parties were attended and everyone was looking forward to their final year of school ending.  Of course there was prom and many people had already looked at and bought their outfits.

Louis was currently out with Gigi and they were going prom dress shopping.  They searched various stores and tried on a multitude of dresses until they both found the right one.  After they paid for their dresses, the two best friends decided to eat.  They headed to the food court and ordered some food.

"So tell me Lou, you and Harry?" Gigi hinted.

"What about us?" Louis asked.

Gigi was about to answer when Louis' phone rang.  He looked at Gigi and she smiled, telling him to answer.

"Hello?" Louis answered.

"Hi Lou." Harry said.

"Hiya Harry." Louis said back.

"I just wanted to call to check how my lovely boy was getting on." Harry told him.

Louis blushed, "Good, we bought dresses." Louis told him.

"What does yours look like?" Harry asked.

"I can't tell you Hazzy, would ruin the surprise." Louis said.

"Well whatever it looks like, I'm certain you'll look the best there." Harry told him.

"You're just saying that H." Louis said.

"No seriously Louis.  Everywhere you go you look the best." Harry tried to convince him.

"If you say so Haz.  Anyway, I've got to go, I'll be home soon." Louis told him.

"Okay baby.  I love you." Harry told him.

"I love you too Haz." Louis blushed.

They both said goodbyes and hung up.  Gigi was just smiling at him when he put his phone away.

"What?" Louis asked.

"You are so in love with him." Gigi laughed.

Louis just blushed again.


Louis knocked on the door to Harry's house.  Harry opened the door and his face lit up at the sight of his boyfriend.

"I missed you." Harry mumbled into Louis as he pulled him in for a bone crushing hug.

"I was only away for a couple of hours." Louis explained.

"Two hours too long." Harry mumbled again.

"Haz I can't breathe let me go." Louis laughed.

Harry apologised and lead Louis to the living room.  They spoke about their days and what they got up to.  They ended up watching a film and ordering food.  The day was friday which meant the weekend was finally upon them.  Both boys had got weekend jobs to make a little more money for themselves.  Harry worked in the gym he went to and Louis worked in a little coffee shop near the gym.


It was saturday and both boys were at work.  They'd worked for a few weeks now and they loved it.  Louis was cleaning the work station when the bell chimed, signaling a customer.

"Hi what can I get for you?" Louis asked, when he looked up he saw his boyfriend smiling back at him.

Harry ordered his and his coworkers' drinks and paid.

"Yours is on the house." Louis told him as he handed him the finished drinks.

It was early in the morning and the coffee shop was virtually empty with the exception of a couple of students and workers preparing for their jobs.

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