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When the couple arrived back at Harry's house, they were laughing about a story Harry had told Louis.  They made their way upstairs to his room and both sat on his bed.

"Can I play some music?" Louis asked looking up at Harry.

"Of course my love.  The speaker is right over there." Harry told him.

Louis walked over to the other side of the room, purposely swaying his hips a little.  Harry watched intently, his eyes traveling up and down his boyfriend's body once again.  Louis "accidentally" dropped something and bent over to pick it up.  Harry bit his lip at Louis' actions, knowing exactly what he was doing.  Louis put on a slow song and turned to look at Harry.

"Dance with me H." Louis smiled at him.

Harry made his way over and wrapped his arms around Louis' waist while Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck.  They swayed in time to the song, Louis' head resting on Harry's chest.

"This dress looks amazing on you baby." Harry whispered to Louis.

The song ended and a faster paced song replaced it.  Louis looked up and stared into Harry's eyes.

"Do you not think it would look better off?" Louis asked innocently.

Harry's eyes widened at the words that left his lips and gulped.  He nodded and Louis turned round.

"Unzip it then H." Louis said.

Harry carefully unzipped the dress and Louis turned back round.  He connected their lips.  At first the kiss was sweet and gentle but it quickly became heated.  Harry lead them to his bed and Louis shook the dress off while they kissed.  Harry broke the kiss to let his eyes linger on what was under the dress.

"I bought these for you Haz." Louis whispered into his ear.

Louis was wearing a pair of baby pink lacy panties and they drove Harry wild.  He was quick to reconnect their lips and lay Louis down on the bed.

"Are you sure you want this?" Harry confirmed even though he was sure of the answer.

Louis nodded and smiled at him.

"More than ever." Louis said.

The rest is history.


The next morning, Louis woke up in Harry's arms.  He smiled at the memories from the last night.  He turned in Harry's arms to look at him.  His eyes travelled up to his face and he admired the sharp features.

"Good morning to you too baby." Harry said, his morning voice sounding more scratchy than normal.

"Thank you again for last night." Louis said as he drew light circles on Harry's chest.

"No thank you, love.  You put on quite the show." Harry told him and smirked at Louis blushing.

"Your throat sounds sore Hazzy.  Are you okay?" Louis asked, concerned laced in his voice.

"Yeah baby, just a bit of a scratchy throat." Harry explained.

Louis pretended to believe him and cuddled up to him.  Harry started coughing not long after and quickly sat up in the bed.

Louis waited for him to stop coughing.

"That doesn't sound like nothing H." Louis said.

"It's okay Lou, nothing to worry about." Harry told him.

It wasn't nothing though, his throat was on fire and he felt like he needed to cough all the time.

"My mum is a nurse, she can come and see you if you like?" Louis offered.

"No it's okay baby, just want to cuddle you." Harry said and pulled Louis close to him.

"Okay Haz, I need to visit the bathroom but once I'm finished, I'll cuddle you all you like." Louis told him.

He grabbed one of Harry's shirts from the floor and it was like a dress on him.  He picked up his phone from the floor also without Harry seeing and made his way to the bathroom.  Quickly, he sent his mum a text asking her to come to Harry's house.  She agreed and Louis sent the address while also saying that Harry's mum will let her in.  Louis flushed the toilet to make it sound like he was in there for a reason and quickly made his way back to Harry's bed.  Harry was sleeping when Louis exited the bathroom.  Louis then decided to sneak out the room and let Anne know that his mum would be coming.  Anne smiled and told him that she would send her up.

When Louis went back to Harry's room, he was still sleeping so he carefully climbed into bed with him.  Louis immediately felt Harry's strong arms wrap around him and pull him close.

"Missed you, my love." Harry muttered to him.

"I was only gone for a few minutes Haz." Louis giggled.

Harry quickly sat up and started coughing again.  Louis rubbed circles into Harry's back as he leaned over a bit.  They heard a light knock at the bedroom door and the door opened to reveal Louis' mum.

"Hi Jay." Harry croaked.

"Oh dear, that doesn't sound too good.  Louis texted me and was very concerned about his boyfriend." Jay said, smiling at an embarrassed Louis.

Jay checked his throat and told him that she thought it was the start of tonsillitis.  She told him to get lots of rest and drink plenty of water.  When she said goodbye to the two boys, Harry took a painkiller.  Louis pulled Harry into him and he laid his head on Louis' shoulder.  Louis ran his hands through the taller boy's hair and kissed his head.

"I love you Louis." Harry told him.

"I love you too H." Louis replied.

The two boys lay down in bed.  Harry has rested his head on Louis' shoulder and very quickly fell asleep.  Louis then fell asleep shortly after.

Louis was awakened a few hours later by loud coughing next to him.  He quickly sat up to assist the sick boy.  Once he'd finished coughing, he leaned against Louis again.

"Louis?" Harry mumbled.

"Yeah?" Louis asked.

"Sing to me?" Harry requested.

"What do you want me to sing?" Louis asked.

"Your choice." Harry said.

Louis thought for a moment before he started to gently sing.

He sang a song he thought Harry would know.  He rubbed circles on Harry's warm skin at the same time.

"Your voice is beautiful." Harry told him.

"Thank you Hazzy." Louis blushed.


For the next few hours, the couple drifted in and out of sleep.  Louis woke a few times to get Harry something small to eat and to get him water.  Harry thanked him endlessly.

"Through sickness and in health?" Harry smirked at Louis as he blushed.

Even when he's sick, Harry was still able to make Louis blush.

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