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Little Black Dress

As the weeks progressed, Louis and Harry got closer. Louis had told Harry that the kiss at the party was his first and the taller boy felt honoured.

Niall, Liam, Perrie and Zayn had been observing the two lovebirds since they met and wanted to ask them individually what they thought of each other. They decided that during cheerleading and football would be the best time.

The footballers were in the gym working out as the pitches were flooded due to the rain. Harry and Liam were on the weights while Niall and Zayn were on the treadmills.

"So, Louis?" Liam said to Harry as he set the weight heavier for him.

"Hmm?" Harry was confused.

"You's seem pretty close." Liam commented.

"Yeah, I'm thinking of making it official with him. I want to ask him to be my boyfriend." Harry told Liam.

"Well we're all rooting for you." Liam patted him on the back.


"Hi Lou!" Gigi hugged Louis when he approached her in the hall where they would be practicing.

"Hi Gigi." Louis replied.

"You and Harry were close at the party." She hinted.

"Ummm.." Louis didn't know what to say.

"Do you like him?" She asked.

"I think so, he told me he liked me at the party." Louis thought out loud.

"Let's practice and we can talk later." Gigi suggested.

The cheerleaders all practiced their routine until the end of the lesson and headed to get changed.

Louis had a free block after that which meant he didn't have a class so he headed to his locker to put his things away. When he opened his locker a note fell out.

"Saturday night, 6pm , wear something cute!! xx" the note said.

He texted Gigi and told her what he found and she replied that she was excited for him.

Louis immediately recognized the handwriting as Harry's and quickly put his things in his locker. He headed to a table in the canteen to start some homework he was assigned.  He heard loud laughing coming from one of the corridors and recognized it as Harry and the rest of the group.  He looked up and saw Harry looking over towards him, their eyes immediately connecting.  Louis blushed and looked down at his homework again.

"Hi Lou." Harry said as he sat down at the table beside him, he too had a free block.

"Hi Hazzy." Louis smiled up at him.

"What homework are you doing?" He asked, looking over his sheets.

"Maths, I don't understand this bit." The small boy huffed, pointing to the question he was stuck on.

"I'll help you, love." Harry said.

Louis blushed at the nickname once again and Harry noticed.  He loved having that effect on him.

Crossdress. // l.s.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu