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Members: Hyunjin x Chan

Genre: Fluff

Scenario: Hyunjin being clingy and Chan finding it absolutely adorable.


"Hyung, I'm tired," Hyunjin whined as he dragged his feet across the practice room.

Chan smiled at him, "I know, baby. Just one more run of this song and we'll go home."

Hyunjin buried his face in the crook of Chan's neck and pouted, "But I want cuddles."

"You'll get cuddles, I promise."

Hyunjin looked up at his boyfriend and pouted further. The elder just laughed and pecked his cheek over and over again, not stopping until he was satisfied with the blush spread upon the boy's face.

"Stop being gross and come do this so we can go home," Seungmin said.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, pried himself away from Chan, much to his dismay, and stood in his spot. Chan started the music and hurried to his spot, but not before replying to his salty dongseng, "Like you have any room to talk, you're always up Jeongin's ass."


After the song finished, everyone started packing their things, eager to go home after a hard practice. Hyunjin, however, was hanging onto Chan, making it hard for him to pack his bag. But Hyunjin didn't really care, he just wanted to be close to his boyfriend. Jisung saw the situation and laughed, "Hyunjin hyung, you're clingier than Minho."

"Hey! I'm not clingy! You're clingy," the said boy retorted.

Felix chuckled, "You guys are both clingy."

"Oh, shut up, Felix! You're basically a leech when it comes to Changbin," Jisung said.

The fight continued until Woojin sighed and said, "Everyone, shut up. Everyone in this group is clingy."

No one daring to challenge a tired Woojin, the subject was dropped. Hyunjin smiled and giggled as everyone silently packed their things. Chan didn't let this adorable little act go unnoticed, "What are you laughing at, love?"

Hyunjin giggled once more, "They're scared of the bear."

Chan snorted, "You're adorable."

The younger blushed a shade of pink, "Nooooo."


Hyunjin huffed and playfully detatched himself from Chan, "No."

"Oh my god, can you guys shut the fuck up so we can go home," Minho yelled.

"Language!" Woojin scolded.

"I'm only a year younger than you!"

Chan rolled his eyes and took his boyfriend's hand, leading him out of the practice room.

When the nine boys arrived to their dorm, Chan wasted no time in snatching Hyunjin and taking him to their shared room. The brunette happy to finally get his cuddles, quickly took off his shoes and jumped on the bed. Chan laughed and stared at the boy in front of him lovingly.

"Why are you staring," Hyunjin asked, becoming a bit self conscious.

The leader smiled and sat on the bed, too. He pushed some hair out of the boy's face and pecked the tip of his nose, "Just taking in how beautiful you are without makeup."

Hyunjin blushed and looked down, unsure of what to say. A finger under his chin forced him to look up, "Don't be embarrassed, angel."

Without warning, the younger climbed into Chan's lap and buried his face in his chest. Chan couldn't help but to coo at the tired boy. He laid down with the boy beside him, making sure they were as close as possible as they entangled their legs. Knowing how much Hyunjin liked it, Chan rubbed circles into his back and used his other hand to wrap around the boy's small waist. The blonde began peppering kisses all over his boyfriend's forehead.


Chan smiled at the boys muffled, but still beautiful voice, "Yes, prince?"

"I love you."

Chan's heart fluttered and his cheeks grew red, "I love you, too."

"I'm sorry I get so clingy, I just really love being so close to you."

The blonde's heart was melting, "Don't be sorry, it's adorable, babe."

"I'm not adorable."

"Yes you are."

"Hwang Hyunjin I know over a thousand people who would beg to disagree."

He pouted against Chan's chest, "Hey, don't call me that."

"Call you what?"

"My real name. I want pet names."

Chan smiled widely and looked down at the boy wrapped around him, "You're such a pouty little baby when you're tired, Hyunjinnie."

The younger giggled, "Yes I am."

"Pouty and cuddle crazed. Such a cute combination."

Another giggle. Chan knew Hyunjin secretly loved being babied and praised, so he continued, "My cute little tired boyfriend is so cute and did so good at practice."

Hyunjin let out another tired and muffled giggle. Chan noticed, he seemed to notice everything, "Aww the baby's tired. So cute."

Hyunjin, being too tired to protest, just nodded. So Chan decided to sing him to sleep while he tucked their tangled bodies snugly under the blankets. Before the younger was completely asleep, Chan whispered, "Goodnight, I love you, Jinnie."

"Night, love you, too, Channie," Hyunjin lazily replied with a smile as he dozed off.

Chan smiled contently as he looked at his boyfriend's sleeping figure,

"I love him so much."


Alright, so that was my first oneshot. It sucks, I know. I wanted to put something on here, but I have exams tomorrow so I can't stay up late and make it super spectacular. Sorry it's so short. But yeah, hopefully it's okay? Comment what you thought, or just comment in general because I honestly love reading comments.

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