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Members: Hyunjin x Jisung

Genre: fluff

Scenario: Hyunjin's scared of storms.


The boys were out at their favorite restaurant, enjoying their day off. They had been working nonstop, so they were grateful for a break. They all were laughing and joking with each other, probably being a bit too loud for the tables around them.

Chan was in the middle of a childhood story when Hyunjin just happened to look out the window. The sky was dark gray and the breeze had turned into strong wind. Hyunjin's heart started to beat a little faster, he did not want to get caught out in a storm. He looked back at the guys, they were having such a nice time, he'd hate to ruin it because he was scared of a dumb storm. So he tried to relax and rejoin the conversation.

Ignoring it worked for a little bit, until he noticed it had begun to sprinkle. He bit his lip, nervous and worried. The dorms weren't far from here, just a five minute walk, but the thought of having to walk back home through a storm scared him to no end. He quietly sighed and tried to pay no attention to the weather.

"Hyunjin, what's wrong," Jisung asked.

Hyunjin jumped a bit, "What? Nothing's wrong, I'm fine."

"Babe, you're bouncing your leg like crazy. You only do that when you're nervous. What's wrong?"

Hyunjin opened his mouth to reply, but a low roll of thunder interrupted him. He jumped and squeezed his eyes shut till the sky was quiet again. And then the others understood what was wrong with their friend.

"Hey, it's okay. We'll go pay and then we'll leave," Chan quickly said.

Hyunjin shook his head, "No it's fine, you guys are having fun."

"Jinnie, we can have fun at home, too," Minho replied.

Hyunjin was about to protest again, but another clap of thunder interrupted him again. The poor boy jumped into Jisung's lap and clung to him tightly.

Minho shook his head and smiled a bit, "That's what I thought."

Soon Chan and Woojin were done paying. They all put on their jackets, Hyunjin needing a bit of help since he was so shaky. It was raining fairly hard and thunder sounded every few minutes. Jisung held Hyunjin's hand tightly and kept him close. The brunette felt how badly he was trembling and tried to walk a bit faster, "We're almost home, Hyunjinnie. It's alright, don't worry. Soon we'll be on the couch in warm clothes watching TV. Or we can lay in bed and listen to Billie Eilish. Whatever you want to do while it storms."

This made Hyunjin feel a bit better for a second, before thunder boomed and lightning flashed. The boy screamed and almost fell down, thankfully Jisung caught him. He held onto the younger's arms, trying to keep his balance. His knees were weak and eyes blurry from tears. Hyunjin was scared out of his mind.

Jisung picked the boy up and rushed down the street, leaving the other members behind. Hyunjin buried his face into the boy's shoulder and wrapped his arms around Jisung's neck, pulling himself as close as he could. Although Jisung was carrying Hyunjin and speed walking, he still managed to talk to the boy, trying to calm him down, "Hey baby, we're almost there. Can you hear me? Nod if you can hear me, Jinnie."

Hyunjin nodded, causing Jisung to smile, "Hey that's good! I remember that one time you were so scared you couldn't hear me, that freaked me out. But you can hear, so that's good."

The frightened boy relaxed just a bit after hearing his boyfriend's caring words. Jisung could always cheer Hyunjin up, no matter how long it took. Jisung never gave up on trying to make the boy happy, he'd spend hours doing anything he could think of to cheer the boy up if he had to.

Soon Jisung stepped into the building, he stopped for a second to catch his breath. He set the boy down gently, "Are you okay, baby?"

Hyunjin nodded and hugged his boyfriend tightly, "Thank you."

"Of course, my love. Now, let's get inside and out of these clothes before we get sick."

Hyunjin nodded and they slowly made their way to the elevator. Hyunjin jumped every time thunder sounded, but he was much calmer than before. Soon they were on their floor and in the dorm. Jisung grabbed a towel, "Here babe, dry off with this and get into warm clothes. I'll be in my room when you're done."

After a few minutes, Hyunjin padded into the room, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. Jisung cooed at the sight and opened his arms, "Come here, baby." Hyunjin fell into his boyfriend's embrace, feeling safe and warm.

Jisung grabbed his phone and ear buds, handing a side to the elder. He went to his music and turned on a song by Billie Eilish. He felt Hyunjin's lips turn up into a smile.

They sat there like that for a while, cuddling each other and listening to music. Hyunjin even almost forgot about the storm. Almost.


Thunder made yet another appearance. And with it came a power outage. Hyunjin whimpered and dug his face into Jisung's chest. The younger silently cursed the weather and hugged his shaking boyfriend tightly, "Hey, calm down. I'm right here, sweetheart."

Hyunjin whimpered a bit before sitting up straight, "Sungie, I hate being scared. It's so dumb." 

"Oh baby, it's okay. Everyone's scared of something. You just happened to be scared of storms, there's nothing wrong with that. Now come here, prince. If we fall asleep, I'm sure the storm will be over and Chan hyung will have the lights back on by the time we wake up, okay?"

Hyunjin nodded and wiped his eyes with the back of his sweater-paw-covered hand, "Alright. I love you, Jisungie."

Jisung smiled and brought his boyfriend into his arms, "I love you, too, Jinnie."


lmao to think Jisung and Hyunjin hated each other so much they almost fought is hilarious to me


Holy shit, I actually updated this book! I've missed writing a lot, but jesus I've been non-stop busy. Tomorrow through Saturday I'll be performing in the play, plus a choir contest on Saturday as well, which will be super cool, but tiring.  Then next week I have an academic team competition and show choir auditions. But after that, I'm free until show choir camp. So hopefully soon I'll be back to updating a lot more.

Also thank you for all the reads and votes! It makes me so very happy! Hopefully I haven't lost too many readers after my little unintentional hiatus. Thank you again! Love you guys!!

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