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Members: Hyunjin x Chan

Genre: fluff, kinda angsty

Scenario: Chan gets jealous and overprotective


A/N: I do use "princess" as a pet name in this oneshot. I am by no means trying to degrade the boys, I just think it's a cute pet name for both girls and boys. And it's used in a teasing manner. So please do not take any offense to it!


Chan and Hyunjin were on a date at the mall. They did this often and loved doing it. Especially Chan, he loved showing off his beautiful boyfriend.

They were in a record store, trying to find something new to listen to. Chan had stepped away for a moment to go look in a different section while Hyunjin stayed where they were originally.

"Hi, finding everything alright?"

Hyunjin looked up to see a man standing in front of him, he smiled, "Yeah, I'm just looking. Thank you."

"Well, what are you looking for?"

Hyunjin bit his lip for a second, "I need a Day6 or The Rose album. Do you have that here?"

The man nodded, "Yeah, just follow me."

The man showed Hyunjin the records. Hyunjin smiled, "Thanks."

"No problem. I love helping customers with good taste."

"You must get them a lot," Hyunjin giggled as he flipped through the vinyl packages.

"Less than you think. I definitely don't get customers who are as cute as you."

Hyunjin blushed and looked at the man, "I-"

"He has a boyfriend, so back off."

Chan suddenly appeared next to Hyunjin, wrapping an arm around his waist. He glared at the man.

"I had no idea, I'm sorry," the man replied, embarrassed.

Chan continued to glare, "You better be."

And then Chan dragged Hyunjin out of the store. The younger was still shocked by his boyfriend's actions, "I've never seen you get so jealous."

Chan growled, "He was basically eye fucking you. I had to let the bastard know you're mine."

Hyunjin blushed, liking this new side of his boyfriend, "Hot, do it more often."

"Oh, shut up."

Hyunjin wasn't exactly lying. He loved being showed off and being spoiled. Which is why Chan and Hyunjin were perfect for each other. Chan loved spoiling Hyunjin, too. It was one of his favorite things to do. The way the younger's eyes light up whenever he gets flowers or candy or some other gift, made Chan extremely happy.

Chan intertwined their fingers and walked into the food court, "What do you want to eat?"

"I want pizza."

"Alright, I'll go get it. I'm gonna keep an eye on your pretty self to make sure no one flirts with you again."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, "I'll be fine, babe. You don't have to be jealous, I love you."

The elder gave the blonde a peck to the lips, "Still, I've gotta protect my princess."

"Aish, Chan, just go get get the pizza!"

"Fine, fine," Chan said, then we walked over to the pizza place.

While waiting in line, he kept his word. He made sure to look up every little bit; so far so good. Soon it was his turn to order. When he turned back around, he saw a guy walking up to Hyunjin.

"Jesus Christ, why does everyone want to get with my boyfriend," Chan mumbled to himself. He walked back to the table.

Hyunjin saw Chan out of the corner of his. His face read nothing but "overprotective boyfriend". The guy was sitting in what would be Chan's chair, "Excuse me for being so straight forward, but I'd hate to let someone so pretty get away. Would you like to go to a movie on Friday?"

Chan had heard this and Hyunjin knew by the way he let out a low growl. The younger laughed and let his boyfriend do his thing.

Chan decided not to say anything, instead he walked over to his boyfriend. He knelt down, grabbing the collar of Hyunjin's shirt and crashed his lips onto the younger's. Hyunjin let out a small, quiet moan out of surprise. He kissed back, loving the fact that people were watching.

They pulled away and Chan turned to the guy who was sitting at their table, completely shocked, "Leave my fucking boyfriend alone." The guy nodded, then scurried off.

Chan smirked and then sat in the now open seat. Hyunjin wiped his mouth slightly, "God, you're such an over protective boyfriend."

Chan shrugged, "You're gorgeous, everybody's gonna want you. Gotta make sure no one steals you from me."

The blonde rolled his eyes, "I love you and only you, you know that."

"Yeah, but still."


Hello guys! It's been so long since I've updated! I'm really sorry about that! I've been extremely busy and really just kinda forgot about this, but I'll try to work on this over the weekend. Here's a short little Hyunchan chapter for you guys. 

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