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Members: Minho x Felix

Genre: angst/fluff

Scenario: In which Felix and Minho are each other's support systems during their eliminations.


Minho and Felix were super close during the survival show days, everyone saw it. It was evident in the way Minho taught the younger Korean. It was evident in the way Felix helped the older with choreo. It was evident in small things they did for each other.

So it was no surprise when Felix took Minho's elimination hard. Felix cried and cried, saddened and shocked, while Minho smiled through his tears.

That night the dorm was full of tearful hugs and curses. Felix did not leave Minho's side, he was scared. Scared that if he let the elder out of his sight he'd disappear and Felix would never see him again.

In fact, Felix and Minho shared a bed that night. And that was when Minho let his emotions flow. He buried his face in Felix's neck and held him close. He sobbed into the Aussie's shoulder and spoke his insecurities.

And then, after the two were finally getting back to their normal selves, Felix was eliminated.

Felix was affected in a much different way than Minho was. Minho was upset, but learned from his shortcomings and tried to put it in the past. Felix, however, took it completely personally. He began having nightmares of it and spiraled into panic attacks anytime he did something wrong.

Minho took notice of this one day in the practice room. The two would go to the practice rooms and dance the Hellevator choreo sometimes because, even though they were eliminated, dancing was one of their biggest passions.

That day, Felix was struggling. He would rush and get off beat. He would trip over his own feet. He would forget part of the choreo. It was certainly not his day. And after one too many times of messing up, Felix could not hold himself together anymore. He fell to the floor and held his head in his hands. He cried and caved in on himself. Minho rushed to his side, concerned, "Felix, what's wrong?"

Felix sobbed and struggled to breathe, he could not answer. All he could do was grab onto Minho tightly and cry. Minho was on the verge of tears himself, seeing one of his best friends in such a state killed him. He bit his lip and tried to calm the boy down, "Felix, shhh. I'm right here, calm down. Deep breaths, tell me what's wrong."

Felix did as told and tried to speak, "I-I kept messing up, no wonder I got e-eliminated."

Minho gasped, "Felix, don't say that."

"But it's true!"

Minho held the boy out so he could look him in the eye, "Felix, please don't talk like that. You've improved so much since you got here. Your Korean has gotten so good, I'm so proud of you. You're such a strong dancer and rapper and singer. I wish I was as talented as you, Lix. Just because they didn't see your potential, doesn't mean it's not there. I see it all the time."

Felix looked up at Minho, eyes glossy, "R-Really?"

"Yes, Felix. You try so hard all the time and it's so inspiring."

Felix smiled and laughed a little and rested his head on Minho's shoulder, "Thank you, hyung."

Minho smiled and kissed the top of Felix's head, "Of course, Lix."


a short little oneshot for you all :)

please forgive me for being gone for so long. and ignore my last update haha I'll really try to stay on top of this again. how's everyone doing? i hope you're all healthy and safe :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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