changsung pt. 1

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Members: Changbin x Jisung

Genre: angst

Scenario: The two get into a fight.



Don't give me that shit, Jisung!"

The boy threw his hands in the air, exasperated, "I don't know what you're going on about! I didn't do anything!"

This has been going on for at least half an hour. Everyone could hear them yelling at each other from their room. It was getting very heated, and the seven others were worried.

Changbin growled, "Do I have to spell it out for you?!"


The boy pointed a finger at Jisung, "You and Minho are flirting with each other! Every fucking day! And don't even deny it!"

Jisung looked at him as if he were dumb, "Are you shitting me, Changbin?! He's my best friend, that's it! I'd never flirt with him!"

"Bullshit! You're all over him, everyone can see it!"

Jisung sat on the bed and rubbed his face, "I swear on my life that nothing's going on between us! Please, just trust me on this! When have I ever done anything to make you not trust me?"

Changbin got on his phone and looked something up. He then shoved his phone in the boy's face. It was the video of him and Minho doing that dumb ass "sexy dance" for that one variety show.

"You can't tell me that didn't mean anything to you!"

"Oh my god, Changbin! It didn't. It was for the show!"

Changbin threw his phone against the wall, "I don't believe you!"

Jisung groaned, "Okay, fine. We're doing this." He glared at the brunette, "I could say the same fucking thing about you and Felix!"

"Like what?!"

"You guys are always hanging on each other. You do everything together. You. Fucking. Kissed. Him. But I don't say shit because I trust you enough not to do anything!"

Changbin grabbed his stuff and started putting it into a bag. Jisung ripped the bag from his grasp, "What, you're not gonna say anything?!"

"No, now give me my fucking bag. I'm switching rooms with Minho. So you two can do 'nothing' in here."

Jisung threw the bag on the floor, "So you're gonna fucking run from this? And not fucking talk about it? And you didn't fucking deny the fact that you and Felix are pretty damn close!"

"I don't have to talk about this. I don't have to prove my friendship with Felix."

"Neither do I! But you're making me!" Jisung sighed, "Bin, come on. Let's just talk about this. We're both adults."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Changbin, come on. There's nothing going on between me and Minho. And I know Felix would never do something like that. We're just stressed with this comeback-"

"Wait, wait, wait. You know Felix would never do something like that? So you think I would cheat? You think I would really do that?"

Jisung stood up, walking over to the shorter boy, "That's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean, Jisung?"

Jisung bit his lip and looked down, trying to form his words correctly. But Changbin took it another way, "Okay, I get it."

"Changbin, I promise I didn't mean it like that. Please, just listen to me. This didn't have to blow up like it did."

"No, I'm done. We're done."

It felt like someone punched Jisung in the gut, "W-What?"

"Jisung, I'm breaking up with you. This isn't working for me."

"Changbin, no. We can make this work. Just talk to me."

Changbin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Jisung, listen to me. I'm tired of being jealous all the time. It's not going to end well if we stay together or not."

Something inside of the blue haired boy broke, he began to cry, "How do you think I feel?! Bin, please, don't do this! I promise I'll do whatever it takes!"

Jisung tried to give the older boy a hug, but the boy pushed him away. The younger tripped over himself and fell on his ass. Changbin zipped his bag and shook his head, then walked out of the room.

The younger boy pulled his knees to his chest and buried his face in his arms. He fell apart and began bawling, not caring who heard or how ugly he sounded.

His boyfriend of one year and two and a half months just broke up with him. For the dumbest fucking reason. He wanted to disappear and never be seen again. He wanted to fucking die.

Memories of their relationship flooded his head. And it made him bawl harder. Their first date. Their first hug. Their first kiss. The first time they held hands. Their first...everything.

It was gone. It meant nothing to Changbin and he let it all go within an hour. Or maybe he had been thinking about it for a while.

Jisung couldn't breathe, but he didn't try to calm himself down. What was the point? There was no reason to even try to stop the tears staining his face and soaking his sleeves.

Then there was a knock at the door, "Leave me the fuck alone!"

The person on the other side of the door sighed, "Ji, it's Minho. Can I come in?"

"C-Come in."

The door opened and closed, "Hey, you gotta calm down, hun."

Jisung looked at the brunette, "Fuck off."

He pulled Jisung in for a hug, "Don't listen to that jerk, alright?"

"I l-loved him. I still d-do."

"Hey, it'll be alright. Just breathe, I promise it'll be okay. He didn't deserve you anyway, you're way too good for him."

Minho waited for an answer, but nothing came, just slight sniffles and tiny snores. The younger boy fell asleep, still crying and whimpering. The boy's heart broke, he hated seeing his best friend so broken.

He put the boy in his lap and stroked his hair. Jisung grabbed the elder's shirt, mumbling, "Binnie, please, don't. I love you..."

Minho kissed the top of his head and slowly rubbed the boy's back and rocked him back and forth like a baby.

There was a growl at the door, "I fucking knew it!"


This is part one of two or three. I got this idea out of nowhere. Hopefully you guys like it even though it's not fluffy and cute.

It's 1:08am and I spent the entire day with my crazy family. So goodnight everybody! Hope you all had a great day!

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