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Dad:"I told you to shut up!"

He took off his belt. He then folded it and began to hit me with his belt. It hurt like hell. My face was being cut with the metal bars it had around it. He would then punch me to knock me out. It would happened quite often. It began to happen again. But this time I ran outside to get away from him

Young Y/n:"help! Help! Someone help me!!"

I cried out. With the small voice I had. It was only hoarse from all the crying.

Young JinYoung:"y/n! What's wrong?"

My father came chasing after me. JinYoung ran the other direction. That's when JinYoung had called the cops on my father. He was arrested for domestic abuse and neglecting me. My mom was also charged with neglect for not getting help. My mother was a victim of him though.

Young JinYoung:"so what are you going to do now that your father is gone?"

Young Y/n:" i don't know..."

Young JinYoung:"is that why you always wear long sleeves and barley come to school?"

Young Y/n:"my mom always told me I had to stay home because I was sick..."

I was never sick. My mom would call me in sick so the teachers wouldn't see my bruised face. Sometimes she would make me lie and say I was hit with a ball.

Young JinYoung:"well I can help you. I will be your hero."

He was becoming my happy pill. In elementary I never had friends. But JinYoung would always hang out with me. He would even want to play house with me.

Young JinYoung:"I'll be the husband because I want to be the one protecting you. I will always protect you."
<back to the present>
I woke up. I found myself laying down on the small bed in my office. I sat up and thought about the small memories that came to me.

Y/n:"ugh. Why are you not protecting me now? What's with all these weird dreams?"

I suddenly heard a grunt. I froze. I looked around in the dark. That's when I found a pair of feet on the floor. I stood up right away and looked who it was.

Y/n:"Dr Park? What are you doing on the floor?"

He woke up. Instantly he stood up and looked at me kneeling on the floor confused.

JinYoung:"you fell asleep and you were just talking in your sleep."

Y/n:"that doesn't explain why you were sleeping on my floor."

JinYoung:"I was waiting for you to wake up."

Y/n:"for what?"

I rubbed my eyes trying to make sense of everything.

JinYoung:"to yell at you. Why would you take another doctor's patients? Especially work surgeries after another after another."

Y/n:"Because that's my job. I'm a general surgeon. I have surgeries for anyone who needs healing and help."

JinYoung:"but those are not yours! Those were Dr Choi's. You have no consent of doing that!"

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