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JinYoung:"let me answer it like this."

He came closer to me and pulled me into a kiss. His warm hands cupped my face. The lightness feeling drowned my body. The smooth skin on his lips were so sweet and gentle. My once best friend, was becoming more than that. His hand then went behind my head. Making the kiss deeper. My body was becoming hot. My heart racing faster. I could feel his heart beat beating against my chest. He leaned me against the wall. Leaving me trapped surrounded by his arms. He pulled away from me. Our foreheads against each other. The heavy breathing of our mouths filled the atmosphere.

JinYoung:"i Guess i do."

He said softly under the heavy breathing. I threw my self at him. Holding onto him in a tight hug. I pulled onto his shirt.

Y/n:"there was so much I had to tell you. Without you, it was the most loneliest time of my life."

<four years ago>

I was outside of class, under a tree that was covering me with shadows. My textbooks laid out on a blanket. My earphones blasting in my ears as others walked by. I looked up, everyone was in a study group. Everyone had a friend to talk to. I was the only one who didn't have a friend. I was the out cast. My social anxiety didn't permit me to talk to others. I became that lonely girl.

Girl:"heyyy y/n~ can I borrow this text book? I really need it."

Y/n:"um excuse me? You cannot. You have to get your own text book."

Girl:"I only need a page."

She flipped through the pages and found the page she was looking for.

Y/n:"fine take a quick picture so I can get back to studying."

Girl:"who said anything about pictures?"

She ripped the page out. She laughed hysterically as she stood up.

Y/n:"what the hell is problem!"

I yanked the page out of her hand. Her face turned cold

Girl:"Don't act all mighty just because you got a free scholarship from the government because of your messed up family."

Y/n:"how about you just fuck off. I don't even know who you are. Or how you even know my name."

Girl:"everyone knows who you are. They know you as the weak little girl. I don't see why you're even here. You don't even seem to stand a chance at this college."

Y/n:"you know what. Fuck you. You're just jealous. You are so low...I don't think you will ever make it far."

She was a foreign exchange student. I don't know from where, but she had sort of an accent. But I didn't care. I looked at the page that was torn out of my book. I stretched it out as it got wrinkly from her fist. I put back in the book and went back to the page I was on. It was hard to defend myself. People like this were everywhere. They verbally abused me from far away because of my free scholarship saying I didn't deserve it. Of course I deserved it. I went through such a bad time, that I needed something good from all of it right? I waited for my class to begin although it was 20 minutes early. I sat near the bottom. I studied there because I didn't want to be seen anymore. I felt stupid and humiliated. I heard a door open and close through my earphones. I took them out and looked around. No one was there in sight. I guess I was just hearing things. I put my earphones back on and continued my studies. I felt a touch on my shoulder. I froze. I turned around as I took out my headphones. I saw a guy just standing before me.

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