Chapter 14: Breaking rules

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Lauren's POV

I grabbed my keyboard and rushed to Billie's room. We already spent a decent time just with playing on our instruments when Billie spoke up.

"Now, I can understand how piano works much better, thank you. What about creating a duet together?"

"Okay, do you have an exact idea how is it supposed to look like?"

"Yea, just keep repeating this melody after me." Billie started humming and adding chords on her ukulele. Soon, she gave me some unknown drink which caused me to behave weird.

"Your deep voice is so damn attractive."

"Ohooh, young lady, watch your language! I don't think I taught you how to swear in such a short time!" 

"I am sorry."

"Don't be sorry, I liked that. I also like your angelic voice, it's fucking adorable, just like you." Suddenly, she did something which took all my breath away. She pulled me away from the keyboard and kissed my cheek which immediately heated up.

"C'mon, now we are music partners but I want more." She kept acting mysteriously.

"Bil? Is this true? Do you like me?" I grabbed my laptop and showed her that reacting video.

"Isn't it already that obvious? Yeah, I do. I laid my eyes on you since I first saw you. But when you walked into that class, I started liking you even more. I don't get this, you are so quiet and I am so loud and despite of it, you attract me so much. Okay, I can't handle this anymore." Billie crashed her lips onto mine and I almost gave up.

"Billie, stop. I mean I like you too but look, I am already married." I showed her the wedding ring.

"Oh crap, I am sorry, I didn't know that. That girl is so lucky to have you."

"Ya she is, Bil, you should be faster."

"But how was I supposed to know that you will end up here just now? Listen, Laur, rules are about to break. And I wanna break this rule. Never heard about the love triangle?" I just gulped as she was pushing me down onto her bed.

Next morning...

I woke up to see that I was naked and in Billie's bed. What happened yesterday? There were spilled bottles and castaway clothes everywhere. 

"Good morning, babe. Thank you for the last night" Billie kissed my forehead and cuddled to me. I pushed her off.

"What are you doing, why are you touching me?"

"We are a couple, Laur. You said you love me and fucked with me yesterday, don't you remember?"

"You are a bitch, Billie! How could you do that to me? Yes, I might be falling for you but I said that I am married and I can't imagine cheating on my wife!"

"Well, you just cheated on her!"

"With help of your alcohol?"

"It's not my fault, you should control yourself!"

"I am done, I wanna come back to Brooke and leave this study!"

"But you can't and let me say, Brooke Bailey-Cimorelli is just a piece of shit, not a basketball star. I can't get what do you see on her!"

"And it's enough Billie, you won't be speaking like that about my wife! She helped me going through so much in the past and what did you do, nothing! So, better shut up or you will even break our friendship!" I yelled at her angrily.

"But guess what, Laur. She isn't here with you and what do you think, why? If she truly loved you, she wouldn't let you go. But now, you have me and I am here to help you, Lo." I started crying and laid my head into her chest.

"C'mon, girl, don't cry. You deserve better than that Brooke girl and I will take care of that! I love you, Lauren and I care about you a lot. Yes, you were drunk yesterday but so was I. But I don't regret any second of it, it was just beautiful and you could feel pure love from it. Hey, don't tell me that you don't have feelings for me?"

"I have and that's the problem. I can't choose between two girls."

"Choose the one who is with you now." I nodded and kissed her, straight onto lips and we ended up making out again. Since when I turned out as a cheater?

"I love you so much Laur that I want you to come with me to my concert tomorrow. I want you to have you with me everywhere." 

Brooke's POV

It's already a month since Lauren left me for university now. I miss her so much but on the other hand, I am happy for her. I was making my morning coffee when Jayden rushed to me and handed me a newspaper.

"Brooke, you have to read this!" 

"Why? Newspapers are full of weird articles? Why should I believe it?"

"It's about Lauren." I opened the newpaper and when I saw it, my heart sank. There was written:

"New famous couple on the horizion? Billie Eilish and Lauren Cimorelli spotted walking through the NYC streets, hand in hand." I looked at Lauren and she happy..with her. Knowing the fact that our own wife is cheating on you hurts so much. I decided to go to the nearest club, so then crying in the club could become also my case.

I reached the bar and started drinking the whiskey. I already drank too many shots but I just couldn't forget her. She kept creeping out of my mind, I saw there everything once and once again. Our first meeting, our first kiss, our first date, our first time making love. I cried so much but nobody even cared about me. I couldn't believe that all beautiful that I outlived with Lauren was gone, she was gone. This is my end... 

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