The Squad Beats Up A Guy

31 3 19

Ok yay:

The group of girls walked down the sidewalk, they all were just walking around, but it took a lot of struggling to get Maddie out of bed.

A guy smirked and stalked towards them. "Hey girls, wanna join me tonight at my hotel room?" He looked at them all.

Anatra snorted. Danielle just slapped her knee and laughed. Nev and Alyssa looked at each other and cringed. Dust flipped the guy off, and Maddie just growled. Alli just kind of processed the stupidity in her head.

The guy didn't seem to get the hint, and he slapped Allie a*s.

Big mistake.

Alyssa pushes him into the side of the building, And Nev punched him in the gut.

Anatra kicked him in the balls HARD. Danielle stomped on all of his toes while singing horribly.

Dust knocked him out cold, she stepped on him and followed the other girls, typing on her phone.

Maddie jumped over him. And held out her hand for Alli.

"Why thank you, ma'am." Alli took her hand and she stepped on the guys neck.

They all had ice cream and got high on sugar after that.

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