Gymnastics and Pietro

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Dad took me to some building to meet the Avengers. I have gymnastics afterwards. I quickly got ready to go.

I walked into the building and saw the training Avengers but something felt off

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I walked into the building and saw the training Avengers but something felt off. Dad introduced me to everyone but I could tell, something was up. Kind of like someone was missing. I knew that Thor and Tony were away and Hulk ran off but it still seemed like there was someone meant to be there who wasn't. "Is this everyone?" I had to know.
"Yes. Well Tony and Thor are away, Bruce ran off as the Hulk, Clint was meant to have left until he brought you here and my brother is gone. So." I could feel her pain but still something was off. I brought my dad aside and asked him.

"What happened to her brother?"
"He got shot."
"Was he shot in the head?"
"No but he still died."
"Are the bullets out?"
"Yes, why?"
"Where did they keep him?" After he told me I sprinted to that room.
"Yara, wait!"

I saw him and all the wires were in the wrong place. He wasn't dead. I know this because my birth parents trained me to be a doctor. I switched on the heart monitor and rearranged the wires. I then switched on the defibrillator and shocked him. Then I rearranged the wires again and shocked him again and with that his heart started beating and he woke up.
"Who are you?" He asked. His eyes were amazing.
"Yara Barton."
"Clint's daughter?"

"Oh my gosh Pietro!!!"
"Wanda?" Pietro was happy to see his sister.
"Yara, how did you bring him back to life?" This one was Steve.
"He was never dead. Something, some power of sorts was keeping him alive."

"Pietro has an increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis."
"That's it! His powers slowed his death. In fact he never died. I'll be gone now."
"Wait, Yara."
"Yes Pietro."
"Thank you." I smiled at him
"Don't worry about it." I got caught up in staring at him "I-I've got gymnastics. Bye guys."

The car ride to gymnastics was the same thing I got from Steve but from Dad.
"Yara, how'd you really do it because I'm not buying for a second that he was not dead."
"He wasn't."
"His heart stopped!"
"And I restarted it. He had no brain damage or blood poisoning. His improved thermal homeostasis! His body, it was maintaining his body environment in the situation."
"So you're saying his powers saved him?"
"That's exactly what I'm saying."
"How come you knew you had to go to him?"
"I don't know, something just didn't feel right."
"That's strange. Your superhero name can be Doctor Strange!"
"There's already a Dr Strange."
"Oh he worked with my birth parents I don't think you know him. He's a brain surgeon."

It was great to be back in the gym. I got my triple twisting back layout. Triple!!! Today is just a great day for me! I brought a cute guy 'back' to life then I got a rare gymnastics skill. Tomorrow I have dance and I hope something great happens. I really want to go on tour.

Dad took us back to the tower to stay for the night but I wasn't tired so I put my leotard back on and went to the training room to practice twisting in tumbling passes. I was busy practicing when I was interrupted.

"Hey Yara." I turned around to see Pietro about an inch away from my face.
"Pietro! My gosh you scared me!"
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"No, i-it's fine." I had to walk away before things got awkward.
"So, Pietro, what brings you here?"
"I just wanted to ask how you did it." Oh my word if one more person asks me that question!
"Um, well I fixed the wires and shocked you to get your heart beating and since there was no brain damage or blood poisoning it was easier to save you. Your improved thermal homeostasis was the main thing that saved your life."

"Well, since I don't know how to say thank you enough, I think I have something that will show it." Just like that, we were as close as before. He instantly filled the space and our lips met. A lot of people say that your first kiss is awkward so if this was awkward then I want more awkward in my life.

"Oh my gosh I shouldn't have done that. Yara I'm sorry. Oh my-" I kissed him again to shut him up. This day just keeps getting better and better.
"Yara, I want to show you something." And with that, we were speeding out the room.

We stopped at a beautiful spot by the beach. "Yara, this is the heart of gold."
"The what?" I was confused.
"It is a gold ore rock shaped like a heart from an unknown location that fell in the ocean. It rolled onto the shore and the woman who discovered it didn't take it."
"Why didn't they take it?" I would've taken it. Who wouldn't?
"Touch the rock and I'll explain it."

I was sceptical at first but then I thought 'whatever' so I touched it and he touched it too. We were still touching it while he explained.
"The woman thought that if fate can bring a heart shaped gold ore rock onto the shore, fate will bring any two people who touch it together. That they are meant for each other. Soulmates."
I smiled at him before giving him a big hug.

"Maybe we are meant to be." He smiled at this statement. "We'll just have to wait and see what happens." But he rolled his eyes at that one.
"Why can't we be together now, Yara?"
"Not now, but I promise, if it's meant to be it will work out." He kissed my head then ran back to the tower. I still wasn't tired so I just practiced my twisting in tumbling passes knowing that Pietro was still watching me.

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