Avenging By Killing The Avengers

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Deathstrike's POV

When I woke up, Rumlow was in my room which was something different as he usually sent a soldier to come fetch me. Something must be up.

"Agent Rumlow?"
"You know how the Avengers killed your family?"
"You have the opportunity to get revenge. We have a mission for you, take down the Avengers. Go to the tower, they'll think you're Yara, trust me. Kill Pietro Maximoff first, then Clint Barton. The rest you can do in any order. Make sure they don't suspect you. Hail HYDRA."
"Hail HYDRA."

Ironic isn't it? I'm avenging by killing the Avengers.

So I don't have all day here, I have two hours to kill all the Avengers and get the hell outta there which would be a lot harder than it seems. If I take any longer than two hours, they'll send a team to kill me. 

They gave me a different outfit for this mission, they said it was Yara's. It feels somehow familiar. Anyway, now I'm off to Avengers tower.

I walk in and the first thing I hear is "Hello Yara, I am alerting Mr Stark." and before I can say anything, he's here. He seems somehow shocked. "Yara? FRIDAY said it was you but I could hardly believe it. Oh my gosh come with me!" He started crying.

I don't know why but he just feels so familiar. No time for chit-chat I'm in the elevator with Tony Stark about to reach the common floor. I quickly put on my best shell shocked face to make it seem like I'm too traumatised to speak.

When we reach the floor, there they are, well all except Pietro. Time for my best acting skills. "Y-you guys, I-I found her. S-she just s-showed up." His voice cracked at the end of each sentence. I kinda feel bad. Wait, no I don't! Snap out of it!

"Yara?" they all said at the same time. I now need to seem shaken. "H-hey guys. I'm back. D'you miss me?" I immediately get bombarded with hugs. I need to remember my mission. "Hey guys, where's Pietro?"

"He's in his room, won't come out." Damn it! I need to go to him. "I'm just gonna go see him real quick. See you in a minute." I get in the elevator and ask FRIDAY to take me to the floor Pietro's room is on. This is it, my first bit of revenge. It's been fifteen minutes. Suddenly I arrive right by Pietro's room. I knock on the door.

"Pietro? Guess who." I hear him running to the door. When he opens it I see dried up tears on his face. "Yara. Oh my gosh I knew it was your voice. I missed you! Where the hell were you?" I walk in and close the door behind me. "I was at a HYDRA base." I secretly disabled FRIDAY with the device they gave me.

"You see, Pietro, I woke up there one day without any memories. A guy named Brock Rumlow told me that you guys took them away," I glare at him, "after killing my family. HYDRA saved me from you guys!" He looks shaken up. "Now I'm gonna get my revenge." I locked the door and pulled out a knife.

"Yara please tell me you don't believe a word they told you. HYDRA is evil! They wiped your memories! We're your family, don't do this. Your name is Yara Barton!"
"My name is Deathstrike and I'm going to kill you."

I then punch him but he blocks it, try to stab him but he blocks that too. Every attack I come at him with he blocks with crazy speed but he never fights back. So he's all defense, I can use that. "I'm not fighting you, Yara. I love you too much." I freeze up for a second but then I shake it off and carry on fighting.

Clint's POV

Something felt off, I found that encounter a little weird. That's it, I have to ask.

"Anyone else find that encounter a little bit strange." A collection of 'yes' 'yup' and other affirmatives come my way. "I mean I'm happy and all you know, having my daughter back but we know she was with HYDRA, she definitely knows, she killed a bunch of people. I don't know I just, she's been gone a while. FRIDAY how're Yara and Pietro?" No response.

"FRIDAY?" Now we all know something is up so we run up the stairs to his room. The door is locked and we can hear an obvious fight going on in there. We start banging on the door trying to get it open.

                    Deathstrike's POV

I'm busy fighting Pietro and he's still being only defensive. "Say, why aren't you using your powers?"
"HYDRA blocked them with this thing in my neck."
"You know we let you use your powers?"

That gave me something to think about. No time, I have ten minutes before it's been an hour. I just keep fighting him.

I hear banging on the other side of the door and I know it's the Avengers trying to get in.

"Look Yara I know you're HYDRA right now or something and you have like no memories but just please. When will I be there?" I don't know what he's doing so he carries on "Forever and always." This is sounding more and more familiar. "Till the end of time." Suddenly I remember the last line so I say it with him, "You'll be there and I will too."

All my memories just jolt back into my head with this crazy pain. Suddenly I remember everything from my parents to my adoption, gymnastics, dance, Pietro. I'm Yara Marie Barton not Deathstrike.

"Pietro?" Suddenly the door bursts open and in come the Avengers.

"You guys, what's going on in here?" That was my dad. "Dad? Guys? Oh my gosh we don't have much time! I just came from HYDRA and they brainwashed me and then they took my memories and then they told me that you guys were my enemies and then I was sent here to kill you guys and then Pietro said something and now I remember everything but you guys need to take this thing out of my neck. There is a HYDRA team coming here in half an hour and this is a power blocker. I'll need my powers to fight these guys."

"There's the rambling Yara I know. Look I think you need this." Suddenly all the Avengers pummel me with a huge group hug. Then my mom comes with Lila, Cooper and Nathaniel. "Any room for us?"
"Mom!" I sprint and hug her. It feels very nice to just hold her for a while. It's the first comfort I've had in ages.

"Hey big sis, we missed you."
"I missed you guys too." I just hug my siblings for what feels like forever. Then I remember the time.

"Okay so I'm living for this moment because I haven't had any love in like forever but Tony, can you please take this thing out of my neck."
"Right, come with me, it should be a fairly quick procedure."

I go with him to this room, not quite sure what it is. I think it's the medbay. Tony works quickly because he knows there's not much time. While he's at it, he says something that confuses me a bit.

"Look, Yara, I'm so sorry for everything."
"What do you mean everything?"
"I put you in harm's way. It could've killed you and I'm so glad it didn't but then you got powers and—"

I cut him off by hugging him. "Look Tony, I can't blame you for anything. You not looking was my fault for distracting you. You didn't put me in harm's way, I pushed you out of the way and let myself get hit. Tony, stop blaming yourself. For what it's worth. I got some super cool powers instead of you."

"Speaking of your powers, I'm done."
"Then let's go kick some HYDRA butt." We met up with the others to start planning and strategizing. Time to truly avenge.

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