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(Warning: Torture)

Deathstrike's POV

I had weeks and weeks of vigorous training, they then told me they were going to send me on my first mission. They had to first say the trigger words again to make sure I was fully under their control. These words were engraved in my mind:

"отчаиваться." (despair)
"Сломанный." (broken)
"пятый." (fifth)
"рассвет." (dawn)
"палящий." (Scorching)
"Десять." (Ten)
"сердечность." (Warmth)
"приветственный." (Welcoming)
"Единица измерения." (Unit)
"молниеносный." (Lightning)
"солдат?" (Soldier)
"готов подчиниться." (Ready to comply)
(Quick A/N: Google Translate so sozzzz if not proper translation😬)

"Deathstrike, your mission is to kill a man named John Pouvaloski. You'll find him in a base on the first street in the area you are flown to. It won't be hard to miss. Don't fail. If you fail to kill him or take even a second too long, you will be subject to punishment. Hail HYDRA."
"Hail HYDRA." I walked out of the room to get everything I needed for the mission.

I then got on the aircraft and as we flew to the base I thought of the plan. It should be simple. I looked at a photo of John. All I really had to do was enter the base, get in his office, shoot him and leave. Easy, right?

When we landed, I got into the base from the back and instantly found his office. (It was pretty hard to miss with a big sign that said John Pouvaloski on it) I snuck in and stood in the corner. He saw me almost right away.

"And now who the hell are you."
"Deathstrike." I pointed my gun at him.
"What do you want? I don't want to die. I have a family. Please don't kill me." I felt bad and slightly wavered for a bit.
"You're going to die whether you like it or not." I really didn't want to do this
"You'll regret it." I already do.
"Hail HYDRA." Is shot him.

I just killed a man. My first kill... ever. I watched as the life left him and it felt horrible. I. Just. Did. That. I, however had no time to dwell on it because I had to clear any potential security footage. And that's exactly what I did. My tracks were now completely covered and I had to leave now.

I quickly fled the base and got into the aircraft. A very angry agent looked at me and just said, "You're late."
I simply looked at the suddenly very interesting looking floor and sat down knowing that when I got back, I really had it coming.

We landed and I flinched, not because of the rough landing, but because I knew the torture I was about to endure,
*sigh* scar-face Rumlow.
"You are exactly thirty-three minutes late. You better have killed him, солдат"
"Yes sir."
"If you weren't our best soldier I would have you killed. Did you know you have powers capable of killing everyone in this entire base. Fortunately you have a power blocker in your neck."

I tried to reach to take it out but my hands were chained down.
"Why do you think we always keep your arms chained down. Even if you were strong enough to take it out, your hands can't reach it." He really annoys me.

"Anyway, your punishment. It's time you really became one of us so part of your punishment will be your official branding. Because you were thirty-three minutes late, you will receive thirty-three of each punishment. That means: thirty-three slashes with a knife, thirty-three stabs, thirty-three electric shocks, thirty-three punches, thirty-three non-lethal gunshots, and thirty-three dunks into some ice cold water, we will take you out right before you pass out. After all this you will be branded. You better rest up as much as you can afterwards because first thing in the morning, before you eat, you will have to full on sprint for as long as you can until you pass out."
"Yes sir."

And that is exactly what they did to me. I wish I didn't have to be awake throughout that. I think the worst was being drowned. My lungs are practically screaming. I can also feel each and every gash, wound and bruise as if they are still beating me. Every pain I feel brings painful memories with it.

And then they branded me. It was actually fairly small (fist size) and it said, 'Property Of HYDRA: S-1750Deathstrike' they put it on my left shoulder. Oh my gosh it hurt like all hell was just unleashed onto me, not to mention all the pain from the torture I just endured, the slashes, the stab wounds, the gunshot wounds, the bruises and just all round pain. I. Hate. It. So. Freaking. Much.

I was then sent to my room and I tried to sleep, but the pain kept me up. I probably got thirty-three minutes of sleep. They woke me up harshly at around 3:33am with a gunshot to the ceiling and told me to start running. I was in so much pain but I had to keep sprinting until eventually (three hours later) I passed out. I went on many more missions in the months after that and I got my fair share of horrible punishments. I want to go home, but this is my home, I don't know anywhere else.

Clint's POV

It's been three months since we've lost her and we've heard of countless mysterious deaths. We all know it's Yara under HYDRA's control. We also all hate it, however, it's hope that she is still alive. We are all determined to find her and Tony seems to be set on being the one to do so.

Pietro seems to be in less of a slump because he knows that we have a slight lead. All we have to do is trace the deaths back to a specific source and boom, we've found her. We are all now working really hard to find her. We WILL find her.

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