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Yara's POV

They put me in a medically induced coma and for the next few weeks, they removed the words from my mind. When they woke me up they did one last test.

Shuri walked in with a sheet. She read off it.

"отчаиваться." (despair)
"Сломанный." (broken)
"пятый." (fifth)
"рассвет." (dawn)
"палящий." (Scorching)
"Десять." (Ten)
"сердечность." (Warmth)
"приветственный." (Welcoming)
"Единица измерения." (Unit)
"молниеносный." (Lightning)
"солдат?" (Soldier?)

"I'm fixed!" I gave Shuri a huge hug. Hearing those words and being unresponsive was the greatest feeling ever.

She decided to take me on a tour of Wakanda. Everything here is so different from years ago yet exactly the same. I don't know, the whole atmosphere feels new.

It seems like every year, the technology just gets better and better. That's another thing, they're like so technologically advanced it's insane.

Shuri snapped me out of my thoughts. "So, I heard you're dating the Maximoff boy," she said with a smirk.

"And what about it?" When I looked at her she had a mischievous look in her eyes.

"Oh it's nothing, nothing." I felt like she was planning something so before she could say anything else I changed the subject. "Remember when we were younger how we pretended to be cheerleaders?"

"Oh my gosh yes! We had a whole routine and everything." We laughed at the memory of our cute routine that we would do literally all the time. "We would drive our parents mad."

I laughed when I said that but it made me kinda sad. I mean I was adopted and I'm very happy in my new home but like I sometimes wonder what life would've been like if we hadn't gone out that day.

They told me that I would be staying for the weekend and led me to the room that I was staying in. A few minutes later I called Pietro.

"Hey Piet," I said with a huge smile on my face.
"Yara! It's so good to hear from you! Did it work?"
"Yup, you're talking to 100% Yara right now."
"That's amazing! When will you be back?"

I decided that I would surprise them.
"Next weekend, they still have to do a few more tests."

I walked back to Shuri's room just to chill with her for a bit.

"So, how'd they react to the fact that you're going home tomorrow?"
"Oh I'm gonna surprise them. I told them that I'm only coming back next week."
"That's such a Yara thing to do." We both laughed at that.

"Let's watch Vine compilations for your last night here."

And so we did.

As I went to bed I thought about everything up until now. My whole life just is so weird. Starting with the fact that my birth parents were like super special. Wakanda trusted them, trusted me.

It's weird to think that HYDRA could take that from me not knowing the role I would play in their stupid game.

Like how S.H.I.E.L.D was trying to start up again and still had traitors. Or how I got adopted by an Avenger, 'brought someone back to life', dated him, achieved milestones in my sports then got powers and became an Avenger myself. Only for that to lead me back to HYDRA and now back to Wakanda.

It's crazy to think that everything is going full circle. That tomorrow I'll see everyone again then our family will leave the tower and go back home. It's like life is becoming normal which is weird because I don't think I've ever experienced normalcy.

I love being here though. I'm gonna miss this place. I must make sure to visit. It's so beautiful with all the scenery.

I'll take things one day at a time. So for now it's rest then tomorrow it's the reunion.

A/N: SHE UPDATED!!! What a shocker lol welp I'm back but like expect slow updates y'know. aNyWaYs I started this almost three yrs ago on my old account and now I'm back crazy huh😂 Ily all🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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