Avenging With The Avengers

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Yara's POV

It feels so good to be back. Right now I can't focus on that though. Right now it is time to fight. It's actually my first time properly fighting with my powers.

We all stepped outside the tower and stood face to face with a HYDRA army and right in front was Cierra Crawford herself.

"Cierra, where's Rumlow!"
"Like I'd tell you. Anyway why do you need him? We have unfinished business." I saw another power blocker in her hand and dodged it right as she threw it.

"Not today, Crawford. Where. Is. Rumlow."
"Far away. You're not gonna find him any time soon. I know you want to kill him, make him pay for the torture he put you through, but quite frankly this is our fight."

"You're right it is our fight, but I'm gonna finish it." I tripped her and when she hit the ground, I used that sound to start shattering her right arm. "You freak!"

I looked down to see that I was glowing bright blue. I smirked at her and ran full force. The fight started, well I was definitely winning since she only had one working arm but she is a pretty good fighter.

I still stuck to hand to hand combat because using my powers was draining me. Eventually I punched her one more time and she passed out and I let S.H.I.E.L.D take her in.

I started helping the rest of the Avengers fight these soldiers and eventually we had taken them all down.

We went back into the tower after all of HYDRA was taken care of. I went back to my mom and we just talked.

"Yara, I'm gonna be honest with you, you look terrible." I chuckled.
"Yeah, HYDRA does that to you." I kinda looked down when I said that. "I don't know, it just feels awful to have killed all those people."
"You didn't kill anyone."
"Yes I did. Look I know that you're gonna say it wasn't me but it was."

"See that's the thing. It wasn't. Were you conscious?"
"I was awake."
"Were you conscious?" She asked again, more firmly this time.

"That wasn't you. You were taken out of your body and something horrible was put in. It wasn't you who killed all those people. You are NOT Deathstrike. You are Yara Marie Barton. My daughter, a gymnast, a dancer, a freaking Avenger!" I laughed.

"Never convince yourself that what HYDRA did was your fault, okay."
"I love you Mom."
"I love you too." I just hugged her for a while before feeling the hug get bigger.

I realized that literally all the Avengers, my brothers and my sister had joined in. Cringey but I needed that.

"Alright, I rate we get takeout. Who's game?" We all agreed that takeout was a good idea so we ordered a bunch of junk and watched some Disney movies.

Later on, I went to Pietro's room to chill. "Yara?"
"Yeah, Piet?"
"What happened there?" Terror flashed through my eyes but I quickly masked it. I doubt he missed it though.

"Uh... well I was wiped of all my memories, then they told me that you guys were my enemies and killed my family. They also gave me these weird trigger words and boom, I was submissive. They made me kill! And to top it all off, lots and lots of torture."

At that point I started crying and Pietro held me. It felt safe, like I was home in his arms. It sounds cheesy but that's how it is with Pietro. He can literally say anything and I'll feel 100 times calmer.

"Don't worry Yara, I've got you, you know that, right?"
"Forever and always."
"Till the end of time." We then kissed but it felt different because this time, I felt like I loved him more than ever.

It started getting pretty heated but before we could get any further, we got called to the living room. We quickly jumped apart and looked flustered.

He recovered pretty fast but my face was still blood red. "We're going, no?" He had this smirk on his face. I playfully hit him and he gave me this funny offended face. "Let's go, Piet."

When we walked in all the Avengers smirked the minute they saw my flushed face. Tony spoke up, "What were you two up to?"
"Nothing!" I quickly replied, turning redder if even possible. Pietro chuckled. "Oh shut it Piet." He held up his hands in mock defense.

This time it was my dad who spoke, "Yara, I know exactly what you're thinking right now." There was no way that he knew what I was thinking. "You want to go back to gym and dance."

Unbelievable, spot on. "It's just... Olympic qualifiers are coming up and then dance tour auditions. I don't know, I just can't leave it all behind." We spoke and decided I'll go back to training tomorrow.

I went to bed but when I got to sleep, something weird happened. I felt like my mind was slipping. Every time I tried to gain control it wouldn't work. Then I heard it again.

"отчаиваться." (despair)
"Сломанный." (broken)
"пятый." (fifth)
"рассвет." (dawn)
"палящий." (Scorching)
"Десять." (Ten)
"сердечность." (Warmth)
"приветственный." (Welcoming)
"Единица измерения." (Unit)
"молниеносный." (Lightning)
"солдат?" (Soldier)
"готов подчиниться." (Ready to comply)

Each word made me lose my mind more and more. I found myself slipping out of consciousness within a dream which was not the greatest feeling ever. When I said ready to comply, I was not in control anymore. I needed to kill the Avengers.

I snuck into Tony's room with a gun I stole from the tower and aimed it at his sleeping figure. Unfortunately, he woke up. It was so frustrating. His watch turned into a repulsor and he stopped the bullets. He grabbed me in a chokehold and asked, "Who are you?"

"I-I don't know..." I dropped the gun and thought hard. 'Who am I?' I gained full consciousness and control but yet I couldn't control my crying. "Tony?" I said in a small voice, "Call my emergency contact on my phone."

He took my phone and looked at me all confused. "It says it's someone named Shuri?"
"Those words. Those damn words are still in my head and she can get them out."
"Let me at least call your parents." He left the room and went to go get Mom and Dad.

When I was younger, my birth parents went to Wakanda with me a lot. They gained King T'Chaka's trust so we were allowed in sometimes. While there, the Wakandan doctors would give them training. I became closer to T'Challa and Shuri. I was there when Shuri discovered how to remove brainwashing. When I left there the last time, she gave me her number as an emergency contact for if I ever needed medical help I can't get anywhere else. I know she can help me, but no one can know where I'm going.

Tony came back with my parents. "You guys, I almost shot Tony. HYDRA's words are still in my head. Shuri can help, she has a way to remove brainwashing."
"Who exactly is Shuri?" This was my mom.
"I'm not allowed to say. All I can tell you is that she is someone from my past but I promise you can trust her."
"Alright. Go ahead then," said my dad reluctantly.
My mom looked just about ready to hit him but she also reluctantly agreed, "Fine, you can call her."

I called he and she picked up immediately, "Yara is that you?"
"Yeah it's me. I need your help." I explained my situation to her and she said that she was coming in a Quinjet. A few hours later, she was here and took me to Wakanda to get fixed.

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