What even is my life???

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Yara's POV

I looked out the window and there I saw the worst sight ever, Cierra alongside hundreds of HYDRA soldiers. So, Steve said the two words that started the fight, "Avengers, assemble!" and just like that, all of us as well as some S.H.I.E.L.D agents went out there and fought.

I went through quite a lot of soldiers as they were pretty easy to get through, especially with my powers. As I was about to fight one of the soldiers, I was immediately spun and face to face with CIERRA FREAKING CRAWFORD!!!

"Well, well, well, Yara Barton. The mutant." I put all my energy into crushing her bones but it didn't work. "Yara, sweet innocent Yara, you really think I'd let someone as powerful as you come at me and not be prepared. Check your neck before you humiliate yourself again." and lo and behold, on my neck, a power blocker. How did she even get that on me. That doesn't matter, I'm 100% doomed.

"It's over for you Yara!" I stayed silent. "You're done for!" still not a peep.
"HYDRA is paying me good money to get you. You'll be the next Winter Soldier." The sharp way she said Winter Soldier just made me see my parents' deaths all over again.
"Ahh, don't think I didn't see you flinch there. What's wrong? Remembering good ol' Janis and Jason Jensen?"

At the mention of my parents' names, I got furious. "WHY ME, CIERRA!!! WHY THE ACTUAL HELL DOES HYDRA WANT ME!!!"
"Ha, I got the rage out of you. Got to say, I like angry Yara. I need to mention family more often. Maybe even threaten Laura." In the most calm yet chilling voice I could muster, I said,
"You so much as lay a finger on any of my family and you're dead."
"Your threats mean little to me, you're forgetting that I've rendered you powerless."

She really was a pain in the a- "This is the end for you Yara." I threw a kick at her but it was very slow and she caught it. It also felt like all my energy was being drained out of me. "Oh yeah, that power blocker is draining the energy out of you." Totally called that.

"You know, hypothetically speaking, if someone that totally isn't me were to pass out, again totally not me, would that be all part of HYDRA's plan or would you just kill me-I mean not me."
I already knew the answer just stalling. Don't worry I'm not an idiot. "The whole plan is to get you kidnapped by us, ALIVE. So, hypothetically WHEN we get you, you won't get to run away like Barnes, you will be the new face of HYDRA."
"You are disgusting."

There was no escaping now. She 100% had me. Now, there's only hoping for a miracle... but this is ME, YARA. When do things ever work out for Yara? "You know, Yara, your family will miss you hey? Too bad the last time they see you will probably be when you kill them." "Go. To. Hell."

Now she really annoyed me. If only life was ever simple, I wouldn't have to deal with crazy best friends who want to kidnap me. Then again, how simple can life be when you were adopted by someone who helped save the world from multiple alien invasions.

Just when I lost all hope, here came Steve. The Avengers couldn't help me though, they had to deal with these soldiers. Steve was about to save me when, "STEVE LOOK OUT!!!" a soldier knocked him out.

"Do you see what happens when things start to look up for you? It gets ripped right out of your hands." Man, she's right! "That may be true but the last thing I have, my family, you will NOT take away." I said this with as much venom as I could muster and gave her a look that could burn right through her head. "Aww, Yara, that's cute, I'm not gonna take your family away. WE'LL MAKE YOU DO IT!"

That absolutely enraged me so I threw another kick at her but just like before, I didn't have the energy to succeed so she was able to block it. She then started laughing which made me more furious and throw more kicks and punches. Unfortunately I didn't have the energy for that so just like that, right then and there, in the most inconvenient time ever, I passed out.

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