Training and Friends

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Today is my first day of training and I'm only gonna do this because dad wants me to. Nick said something about this being a test of what I can do just to see where I should be placed but I didn't think much of it. Seriously, I'm just starting.

The first thing they tested was martial arts which I was surprisingly good at. Of course I didn't beat Nat, but I got a bit close quite a few times and that gave me hope. The next thing they tested was fitness. I've always been strong in this aspect because of conditioning. I did ten kilometres in record time. (well, besides Pietro of course) They then tested my reflexes and self-defence which was also pretty good. In the end after all the tests, they decided to skip a bunch of levels and I was a level five S.H.I.E.L.D agent.

After a break, I joined my new group. Training was very hard but I could use very hard. I immediately made two new  friends, Cierra and Kate. They are crazy but everyone needs a bit more crazy in their life. I managed to get Bella and Kayla to become best friends with Cleo and Amber. (my gymnastics friends) Getting Cierra and Kate to join the squad should be a piece of cake. Their personalities are just so similar.

I had three friends in school and the rest of my friends were from my sports. I was, however closer with my sports friends because gym and dance have always been my life. My school friends and sports friends never actually met so I was kinda part of like two friend groups. When I went to the orphanage I had to leave all of them an now I haven't been in touch with my old school friends.

My friendship with Cierra and Kate started with me overhearing their whispered conversation.
"Hey! Cierra! Look over there! It's the girl who brought Quicksilver back to life!" I had to play with them so I whispered back,
"Hey! Cierra! Look over here! Tell your friend I can hear her!" I noticed the other girl tense up a bit so I spoke normally, "Just messing with you guys. Yara Barton by the way."

"I'm Cierra Crawford and this is Kate Harvey. Wait, did you say Barton!"
"Yes, I'm Clint's daughter." I was hoping that this wouldn't be all we talking about.
"Can you also shoot arr-"
"Woah, Kate! Let me stop you there. I'm adopted so I have none of his talent. I'm probably the most normal person here."
"I'm pretty sure the most normal person here wouldn't bring someone back to life and get them to date you, or be taken to level five in S.H.I.E.L.D right when they start. Also don't act like you're not going to Olympic qualifiers." How did Cierra hear about the Olympics?!

"Trust me, there's nothing too interesting about me. I'm just average. Hey how about you guys meet my other friends after training?"
"Cierra and I would love that! I'm sure we'll be great friends!"
"Cool." That was easy.

The last few minutes of training we could focus on whatever we felt we needed more training on so I spent most of my time by the punching bag.

After training I texted my friends to come meet me at the mall and that I have some new additions to our squad. When everyone said they could come, I started getting ready.

I told my dad where I was going and then when I walked out with Cierra and Kate, guess who sped past me

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I told my dad where I was going and then when I walked out with Cierra and Kate, guess who sped past me.
"Hey prinţesă." Yup you guessed it, Pietro. And of course he picked me up like his extra self."
"Hey Extra."
"Haha very funny. Where are you going?"
"Just to the mall with friends. This is Cierra and Kate. You've probably seen them around." They all said hi to each other.
"Anyway, bye babe. See you in a bit."
"Bye dragă." He pecked me on the cheek and sped off. I didn't even notice I was blushing.
"Okay, I think Kate and I can agree that you guys are goals!"
"Definitely goals!"
I rolled my eyes at them "Let's go."

When we arrived at the mall I saw Kayla, Bella, Cleo and Amber. I introduced them to Kate and Cierra and everyone instantly clicked. I knew they would fit perfectly in the squad. We ended up buying a crazy amount of clothes, makeup and shoes. (Me using the money that was given to me by none other than Tony Stark himself to get me to stop raging at him) We also watched a movie and got food and ice-cream. In the end it was a successful trip.

When I got back to the tower, I was immediately greeted by a kiss from Pietro.
"Missed me that much, huh?" I joked
"Sort of."
"Oh, sort of, huh." I said this cheekily with a hand on my hip.
He picked me up and just sprinted all around town. When we got back a few seconds later, he seemed unfazed.
"Oh, so when I'm sarcastic with you, you just run with me."
"I guess so, dragă."
"Goodnight Pietro."
"Goodnight Yara."
I went to bed with a huge smile on my face.

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