Another little speedster in the tower...

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After telling Pietro the news he was a bit too excited for my liking.
"Oh my gosh that's amazing! Another little speedster in the tower!"
"This is serious Pietro!"
"Sorry. I'm SERIOUSLY excited!"
"My parents flipped out! I can't believe this."
"I don't get what the problem is."

"Pietro. I'm SIXTEEN. I can't just have powers. I just wanted to be normal and now I'm the furthest thing from it. They said I most likely have super speed, sonic screaming and sound wave manipulation."
"Yara, you're okay. Everything will be okay." It's easy for him to say that.

"I know you just thought that it's easy for me to say that and I think you just forgot who you're talking to." That made me laugh.

"What are you some kind of mind reader?"
"No, you're just predictable. You don't need to panic. Everything will play out as it should. No one will force you to do anything. You don't have to be an Avenger if you don't want to."

"Thanks Pietro you're literally the best boyfriend ever."
"Hey. When am I there?"
"Forever and always."
"To the end of time."
"You'll be there and I will too." That was kind of our little thing that we always say to each whenever one of us needs reassurance.

"I still can't believe I'm a mutant now."
"I can't believe that I'm finally not the only speedster in the tower."
"I love your priorities." Pietro rolled his eyes at me.
"Ha ha very funny but the idea of us running together sounds great."
"How about you help me control my speed and then we can go out running some time."
"Cool cool."

That's how I spent the next few weeks, training and controlling my powers better. I learned how the sound wave manipulation works and I've gotta say, I'm pretty cool. I can take the sound from anything and use that sound to destroy it. My sonic screaming was very hard to learn how to control but eventually I was able to contain the energy.

Running, that was a whole other level. Pietro spent a lot of time helping me to control my speed and be able to only use the super speed if I tried to. That made things like gymnastics and dance a lot easier because I could also run at a normal pace if I wanted too. That also meant that I would get tired a lot less easily.

After I learned how to control my powers, I spent the rest of my training time focusing on combat so that I wouldn't rely too much on my powers because you never know what might happen on a mission.

I went to gymnastics and dance as per usual and we made sure that no one knew about my powers. We all know how the government wants to pretty much own all mutants and make us property.

Wanda and Pietro's powers came from an experiment that was trying to give them powers which means that even though Strucker is dead, all the research and files are still there. My powers came from a chemical explosion which means that whatever actually happened is unknown. Since it is unknown, if people were to find out about my powers, people would probably want to experiment on me.

Gymnastics and dance were going very well for me. I was getting even closer to the Olympics which is very exciting. The idea of being an Avenger is one I can't quite grasp but everyone seems to really want me to. Well, everyone except Mom and Steve.

She does not like the idea of her daughter risking her life every day and Steve doesn't like the idea of putting a kid in this position. However, after a few weeks of persuasion attempts, I decided to take the offer so I'm sorta an Avenger now. Well I mean considering the fact that Stark sorta retired, Dad retired, Thor's away and Bruce is missing, I think they could use me for this kinda thing.

Everything was going great until suddenly, the alarms started blaring...

(Let's pretend that 12 y/o me didn't write this to make you think Yara was pregnant 💀)

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