Chapter 3

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"They have surpassed the deadline, they have broken their promise, Father. Shouldn't we be doing something?"

"Now now, we shouldn't be so reckless, my youngest. Call your brother for me."

"No need, I'm here"

"Ah, hyung, I was just about to get you"

"As you know, we have human contacts, apparently in their world they simply do NOT pay their debts"

"Calm down Father, I would go and get the job done if its what you want"

"Your brother is more suitable"

"Father, let Hansol do it. He could use the training"


"Silence, Hansol. They forgot what our family is capable of. Now, leave at once and finish those who owe me, Minghao"


On their way back to Jun's condo, the siblings decided to stop by their parents house for dinner.

"Wait Gramps, there's a dog by the gate- wait no its basically blocking our way" Jun gets off the car and approaches the "dog"

The dog was bigger than he thought it was, maybe it isn't a dog at all. He tries patting the dog and it responds with a lick on his hand. He leads the dog to the side of the gate, letting the car pass through.

"Hyung, where'd he come from?" Chan walked closer to Jun and the random furry creature beside him.

"I have no idea, lets take him in, he has no collar and it'll be night time"

"Alright then"


Back at Jun's condo unit, he managed to sneak the dog in. He laid on the couch watching tv while Chan browses the net to find what breed the dog was.

"Arghh, I can't find something that looks like him" Chan scratches his head.

"I'll ask Wonwoo, a bookworm should probably know, right?" Jun shrugged as he dialed Wonwoo's number.

"Oh hey Jun, is there a problem?"

"Well, I guess? We found this dog"


"And we don't know what breed it is, I'll send you a picture of it, just a sec"


"Sent, did you see it?"

"Oh wow, you're in for trouble. You see, that isn't just a dog"

"What do you mean?"

"That's a wolf"


"Yeah, you took a wolf home"

"Ah, alright. Thanks for the help, bye"


"WHAT?! THAT'S A WOLF?!" Chan yelled, pointing at the creature laying on the floor.

"Well yeah, he is too big to be a dog, don't you think? And its gonna be a pain in the ass if we get in trouble for this" Jun replied.

"That thing is close to reaching my upper thigh when its standing on four legs hyung, that could've been obvious if you actually knew better" Chan scoffed.

"Shut up, like you knew what it was. Your eyes practically sparkled when it rolled over for you earlier, naive little dimwit"

Just like that, the siblings had gotten a pet for the night. Jun let it stay in the living room, hoping for it not to make a mess.

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