Chapter 7

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The boys groaned after all their bodies stumbled upon the ground. They were greeted with Minghao no longer wearing his clothes from the mall, instead he wore lose, white, long sleeves and trousers decorated with jewels and gold under a red velvet cape. His skin was much more pale than before, and he had wings of a bat.

They all stared at him with surprised and terrified eyes as they scurry backwards to a bush, realizing that the mirror from before was not there.

"Where the hell is Jeonghan?!" Jun rushed to grab Minghao by the collar, the boy's anger being observed by Minghao's calm yet piercing eyes.

He smiled and dissappeared from Jun's grasp, reappearing beside Seungcheol.

"You see. You all don't know Jeonghan too well" He chuckles.

"What do you mean they don't? Isn't it good that they didn't find out?" Jeonghan spoke from one of the trees, gracefully flying down with his beautiful white feathered wings and antlers.

Once again the boys were in awe, both on what Jeonghan really is, and how he looks like.

"W-Wow hyung you're e-ex-extremely w-white" Mingyu spat out. Which would make sense, as Jeonghan had white hair, eyelashes, cream skin, and icy eyes.

"Well, here, I'm a Windigo from there. I live there" He points at the steep snowy mountains from afar.

"But ever since I became friends with Minghao I stayed here" He smiles at his friends, noticing that they weren't the usual noisy bunch.

"Oh come on, are you guys scared of me now? or Minghao?" He frowned.

"Y-you guys..are so cool!" Chan jumped and started fussing about the two, comparing their wings and such.

"Well, I see you've adapted to what's normal in our realm, now, come with me" Minghao said sternly, entering the main gate of the castle.

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