Chapter 11

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On their way back to the palace, Minghao and Hansol were in the air, tailing from behind the carriage where the other boys were in. The worried look on Minghao's face couldn't fade, as he worries about Chan and Jeonghan who were injured.

The birds chirped at the palace gardens, where the others were while Chan rested at one of the guest rooms and Junhui stayed with him. Jeonghan sat on a branch on one of the trees in the garden, taking a nap to relieve the small but visible bruises and cuts on his body.

Seungcheol, who hesitatingly placed a pat on Minghao's shoulder and sat beside him asked. "Will Hannie be alright?" He frowns.

Hansol gave off a small chuckle. "He'll be alright hyung, his wounds heal faster than that of humans, don't worry too much"

With that said, Minghao gently flew up to where Jeonghan was resting, he tapped the elder's shoulder and softly spoke. "Hyung, you should rest at one of the rooms. An hour of dimmed sunlight is enough"

"Alright, but I'm too sleepy" He replied while yawning. Minghao smiled and poked on his wings. "Hide these for me then, I'll carry you" He scoffed.

"I don't want to trouble you, but I'll take you on your offer since I can't move my body too much " Jeonghan yawned again, while his wings and antlers slowly disappear. Now his appearance was the same as his human friends know him to be. He held onto Minghao's neck while being carried bridal style, as he slowly descends back onto the garden's grass.

Seungcheol approached him with a smile and suggested that he'll carry Jeonghan to the guest room beside Chan's. Minghao agrees and passes Jeonghan onto the elder's arms. He offered to go with them in order to check on Chan too. After settling Jeonghan, and with Seungcheol watching over him, Minghao enters Chan's room.

"Is he feeling better? His body must ache so much. I hope the medicine helped" Minghao spoke softly, careful not to wake Chan. Junhui nods, before displaying a 90 degree bow in front of Minghao.

"Thank you for earlier, and everything you've done and given us so far. And I apologize about mean the things I've said and done, I admit I was acting too protective but they're all I have now, especially Chan. Wait, no, of course you're included too, and Hansol" He looked Minghao in his eyes with a small chuckle.

"I completely understand, I know how protective you must feel, I'm like that with Hansol as well. But, we're not all you have. You'll meet more people and reunite with the ones you love, trust me. And about earlier, its my duty to stand up for all of you. It's my family's kingdom, and you're all my friends, right? " Minghao smiles.

Junhui's face lightened up, his smile grew bigger and couldn't stop himself from hugging the younger. Minghao's wings twitched at the sudden action, his cheeks flushed with red, getting warm embraces wasn't normal for him.

He lets go and was surprised at how close their faces were, noticing how red Minghao was, he couldn't help but chuckle. He stopped and stared at the younger, he hadn't really noticed how good looking Minghao was. He had beautiful dark eyes with a tint of bloody red, anyone who stared at them would completely get lost at how pretty they were. He slowly leaned forward onto a flustered Minghao.

"Am I interrupting something?" Chan chirped, smiling at the two, while Hansol and Seungkwan enter the room, who seem to be getting along well.

"Chan, you're awake. O-of course not." Surprised by his own actions, Junhui fumbles back and scratches his head, his cheeks heating up as well was Minghao's.

Hansol places the medicine on the side table near Chan's bed, with his gummy smile full on display and Seungkwan who immediately hugged Chan was filled with joy.

After the overjoyed boy getting dragged out of the room by Hansol, Chan couldn't stop himself from wondering. He picked on his fingernails, forcing himself to keep quiet, but his curiosity gets the best of him.

"Uh, Minghao hyung, why are your wings different from Hansol's?" Junhui gasped, placing a hand on Chan's mouth. "hey, he already told us they're different hybrids before-" he spat.

"I apologize, but that was a lie" Minghao gave a gentle smile to the two, Jun's eyes as wide as Chan's were. "If you're that interested, I guess it can't be helped"

Minghao removes the clothes on his torso and begins unbuttoning his other clothes under the various accessories he wore. All Junhui could do was get flustered, stare, and blush. While Chan covers his eyes, not knowing what might happen.

"Don't worry, this'll only be for proof. But it'll be quite a story" He smiles, leaving his last piece of upper garment on.

"A story about our wings"

A/n : I mustered some inspiration to write again, and I decided to stop giving the lack luster filler chapters for people who support my work. I apologize for updating so seldomly, but I will be updating more with chapters that reach 600 to 1000 words. I'll update two chapters today as an apology ksksksk :'3

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