Chapter 6

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After weeks of meeting the new transfer student, the group has somehow grew fond of Minghao, especially Jeonghan who rarely associates with new faces. The others had suspicions but decided to shrug it off. On the other hand Junhui wasn't comfortable at all, he had this unsettling feeling whenever Minghao's around.

He's the only one who's actually bothered about Jeonghan being so close to him. They often head home together and they seem to enjoy each other's company, not expected of the usually not so noisy boy.

Sunday came when the boys were planning to go to the mall, simply for fun. They were all complete and headed inside, Hoshi instantly getting distracted by a stall full of fruits, not to mention Tangerines.

While the others waited for Hoshi and tried dragging him off, Jeonghan and Minghao went off on their own. Into the part of the mall where there's not many people. Minghao noticed someone following them as to why he walked faster and Jeonghan followed.

They took a swift turn in the abandoned and never used fire exit. There was barely any light inside and when they found the mirror, Minghao started to chant something. Meanwhile Jun waited for the others outside of the fire exit he followed the two boys in.

"What are we doing here? And where's Minghao and Jeonghan?" Seungcheol asked worriedly.

"Exactly" Jun gulped, not really hoping something actually will happen.

A few minutes later a strong light glowed from the door's gaps. As the boys couldn't wait any longer they bursted into the closed fire exit and rushed into the hallway.
At the very edge they found only Minghao with a bright mirror.

"Asshole! Where's Jeonghan?!" Jun yelled, suspecting Minghao did something to the boy.

"Woah there hero, I didn't do anything. See for yourself" Minghao snickered, sending hints to the others to walk into the mirror.

"Are you crazy? You can't go into THAT" Mingyu frowned.

"Well.." With a swift movement, he threw the boys into the mirror and didn't follow, until he made sure the doors were closed off.

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