Chapter 13

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It wasn’t long before the Jun and Chan had their arms wrapped around Minghao in a small group hug, only letting him go when the boy whimpered from being crushed.

“That- That’s sad yet amazing” Chan muttered, his eyes puffy from crying. He traced a rather particularly big scar on Minghao’s right wing, it looked mangled and the stitches were badly done.

“How did your wings become like this? Have you fought multiple times before? Accidents maybe?” Jun rambled. His thoughts pouring out if his mouth the minute his brain thinks of what could’ve possibly happened.

“Hansol and I are the same kind, the same blood runs through every single one of our veins. It is and would be easy to recover a severed limb if it is naturally yours, or of someone else’s that have the same blood.” Minghao replied, putting on the clothes he shed moments ago.

“But these wings are far from our bloodline, it came from a demon that was captured and killed decades ago. We’re Vampire Hybrids, confusing right? Part animal, and part vampire. Our blood doesn’t exactly match” The pale prince told with a serene look on his face, lips gently settled with a small smile.

“They had to sew me up anytime these things get out of control. Ever since I wasn’t allowed to leave the castle until I could manage them on my own. It hurt like hell” He stopped, choking as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. He remembers everything. Of course, how could he forget? The feeling of needles puncturing through his flesh, the way his parents looked at him with dread. His throat felt like it was being ripped apart by his shrieks that pierced through the heavy atmosphere, pleading them to stop.

Minghao sobbed, letting his tears fall onto the table where his palms lay flat on the surface. His mind went blurry after he recalled the past, he hated it too much.


After Jun had finished convincing Chan to stay in bed and rest, he leads Minghao back to the garden where the others were. They were all napping, like statues stuck on their respective places. Joshua was sat on a marble chair, his head hanging like a tree, Wonwoo had a book covering his face while his head was thrown back. Chan, Seungkwan and Hoshi somehow managed to make a pillow out of each other’s butt. Seungcheol was with Jeonghan, and Hansol sat on a chair opposite of Joshua, calmly watching over the others.

“Wow, they’re all knocked out huh” Jun muttered, trying to hide his face filled with worry. What Minghao had told him wasn’t an easy tale to tell, he was sure the boy hasn’t gotten over hid traumatic past.

“Well, they’ll need rooms of course” Minghao smiled and clapped his hands twice. A distant sloshing of water came from the lake, just beside the palace gardens. A light drizzle falling onto the fertile soil and onto the guests, making them groan and fumble in their sleep.

Minghao’s smile grew slightly wider as the huge blob of water came closer to them, to which Jun’s mouth gaped. “A horse?” Jun mumbled.

The water parts to reveal a white, aquamarine stained horse like creature, which soon turns into a boy. With a smile that could put the sun to shame. “Heyy I’m not a horse! I’m a Kelpie!” The boy beamed, twirling while circling Jun before giving the young prince a hug.

“It’s been a while, Seokmin” Minghao spoke mid hug. Softly ruffling the boy’s amazingly soft locks. “Would you mind helping me with them?” Minghao gestured over to the pile of friends.

Seokmin chuckled, his teal eyes glowing more and more by the second. Droplets of water from the clear lake gathered beneath the boys, Jun chuckling at the thought of his friends getting soaked, stopping when they were lifted mid-air, still dry.

Seokmin giggled, hovering inside the palace with the streams of water and sleeping boys following slightly behind. “Can you help him, sol? And make sure they don’t cause trouble when they wake up” Minghao patted his brother’s shoulder, to which the younger nodded in response.

He watched him with a content smile, his gaze following Hansol until the palace doors were closed behind him. Jun did the same, jumping slightly when Minghao talked again.

“Jun, let’s talk about your parents”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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