Chapter 1 - A repeat?

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(y/n) - Your name

(h/c) - Hair color

(h/l) - Hair length

(e/c) - Eye color

(h/t) - Home town

(yt/cn) - YouTube channel name

(ex/n) - Ex's name

(f/n) - Friends name

You just moved to Los Angeles, CA because you wanted to get away from (h/t) and from other things, or rather other people. You are a gamer, had been one for years and are very popular on YouTube with your channel, (yt/cn). You started a few years ago and you just skyrocketed in popularity. You moved into your apartment three days ago, getting approved to move in so soon and into a fully furnished apartment no less felt great.It was also just a few days away from your birthday but you don't think you will be celebrating it as you had just finished unpacking. You needed another bookshelf, so you ordered one off your computer. It should be here in a few days and that was a birthday gift to yourself. Your current ones were filled with books, movies and your games. you gave a slight stretch and thought about LA. 

You didn't know anyone in this city but had wanted to move here since you were a child. You never knew why, but something about this city made you love it. You stood up, stretching your sore muscles once more. You had to move and unpack all by yourself. You had no friends to help you but you don't mind. You were OK with being alone because of what had happened a week ago and didn't want to ask just anyone to help you with so many fans out there, you didn't want someone to get close to you just because of YouTube fame.

"OK, time for coffee." You said running your hand over your (h/l), (h/c) hair, grabbed your keys and wallet and walked out side and down the stairs. You saw the manager of the building and let him know about the thing you ordered and if it arrives and you weren't home, to let them in. He nodded and you headed out to the coffee shop that was just around the building. It wasn't even a three-minute walk, something you loved because to you, coffee is life. When you walked in you saw it was very slow, around three costumers and no line. That made you happy. You began to walk to the front of the line but then your (e/c) eyes saw one of the customers. His hands were in his face and you saw his shoulders shaking but no sound coming from him.

You knew that look. You had it when (ex/n) cheated on you on you. You had to pull over when driving just to cry when that happened. You nibbled your lip. Should you go and talk to him? Get him another cup of coffee? You shook your head. No, you can't, not again. That was how you met (ex/n). You walked to the front and looked at the menu. You heard the man give a soft sod. You sighed. You wanted to ignore him, not wanted to repeat the past couldn't. It was just who you are. You are a caring person.

"Sir, what did that man order?" You ask pointing to the man that was crying.

"Umm he ordered a Mocha I believe." The worker said. You ordered two and once you got them you walked over and placed the drink in front of the crying guy. He looked up, red eyes and tears running down his cheeks. He saw you and the new drink. You sat down across from him. He didn't tell you to scram so that's a good thing.

"Sorry, couldn't help but see you were upset. I got you another cup of coffee." You said taking a drink from your cup. He sighed, grabbing it and taking a drink. You saw that the tears stopped, for now. It hurt. You had been hurt like that and had no one. You wished you did though.

"I know I'm random stranger and with that, you might not want to talk to me, but if you want to, I'm here to listen. I'm pretty good at it too, if I do say so myself." You said with a small smile. You thought some humor might help him. He gave a small smile but it soon faded to a frown again. He just looked at the new cup of coffee again, taking a drink from it every now and again, but you could tell he was thinking about what you said. You know that even if he doesn't say anything, just having someone who is willing to listen helps. You had talked to an older couple at a rest stop when moving and it felt great to release the emotions of hurt. It was about five-minutes before he said anything but you were just enjoying the silence looking out the window.

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