Chapter 4 - The Past.

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"You OK?" You asked a man sitting at Starbucks. You had come in for coffee when you saw him crying. The guy looked at you. He just shook his head and more tears came falling down. You sat down in front of him, forgetting your coffee.

"Tell me what happened." You said. He took a few deep breaths before speaking in a deep voice.

"My girl was cheating on me, I just dumped her." He said. You looked pissed. You hated cheaters.

"What a bitch! Why would anyone cheat one anyone? I'm so sorry that happened to you." You told him. He just shook his head. You looked at him and smiled a bit.

"You know, my friend, (f/n), and I are going out tonight to a party. Well it's more like she's dragging me there, and it's at her house, but why don't you come along. I'm (y/n), and you can be my new friend date. What do you say?" You asked him. He looked at you and then back down at his coffee.

"Come on, it will be fun, and you don't have to talk to anyone but me. It will get your mind off her and my friend always beings' people I don't know, and I'm left alone while she mingles. It will be nice to bring someone I can get to know." You said with a smile. The guy smiled and nodded.

"OK, I'll go. I'm (ex/n), thank you for talking to me and inviting me. When is the party?" He asked. You smiled.

"It's not for a few hours but I have nothing to do. I just uploaded my first ever let's play game on YouTube so I'm a bit bored. What to go on a walk with me, we can just talk and hang out." You said. The guys smiled and stood up, both of you walked out getting to know each other. You both exchanged numbers and about two hours passed before you got a text from (f/n).

"Hey (ex/n), we can head over. Its close so let's just walk." You told him. He nodded and you both walked to a house. You could hear the music from inside, walking in and closed the door after (ex/n) walked in. You were soon pulled into a hug by (f/n).

"(y/n)!!!!! oh who's this hunk?" Your friend asked. You smiled and intruded (ex/n) to her. She smiled and waved before leaving to mingle. (ex/n) and yourself got some non-alcoholic drinks and just talked the night away. It was about three am before you guys headed out.

"I had a lot of fun (y/n). Thank you and it made me forget about my ex. Let me treat you to dinner tomorrow night as a thank you." He said as you walked to your car, a small, (f/c) VW. It wasn't your favorite but it got to where you needed to go. It was still in front of the now closed coffee shop. You smiled and crossed your arms over your chest.

"Is (ex/n) asking me out on a date?" You asked. He smiled with a light laugh but you could make out a blush under the street light.

"You got me, I was. What do you say (y/n)?" he asked you. You smiled and nodded.

"I would love to." You said. (ex/n) smiled and hugged you.

"Thank you." He said and kissed your cheek before letting you go, giving you a wave and walked off. You were blushing as you got into your car. You were looking forward to tomorrow.

~Time skip - one year *there will be a few of these as nothing but dates and all that boring stuff happens*~

"(ex/n), are you sure. A mini-van seems a bit, much." You told your boyfriend. He smiled.

"I don't think so. It's a huge upgrade from your VW, with how it is now, no offence, and it's not a bad price." He said and pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you. You smiled. You had been wanting to upgrade your car. Your YouTube channel was a huge hit and you had some extra money to spend on one.

​ "OK, I will go out tomorrow and get one." You said and gave him a kiss. He kissed back and moved you off and went to get a drink. You got a bit worried. He had been drinking more lately.

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