Chapter 7 - Waking up

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You felt someone slapping you gently on the cheek as to try and wake you. You opened your eyes but closed them immediately. Your head was pounding and you felt sick.

"Good, your awake." You heard. You knew that voice, but your head was hurting too much to place it. You wanted to speak but you just rolled over, gagging a bit.

"Yeah, sorry about the chloroform, vomiting and or gagging and a pounding headache are the side effects. You will be OK in a few hours, then we will continue head back home." The man said. You opened your eyes as you rolled back on your back and saw (ex/n). He was sitting on a chair and you were on a bed. You didn't recognize anything in the room you were in. You guessed a hotel.

"W-what are you doing here?" You asked but it came out in a whisper. He just smiled.

"I'm guessing you didn't hear my voice message. I told you I found you." He said but then his face got hard, almost emotionless. You tried to sit up but found you couldn't. When you looked down and saw you were bound with rope, you couldn't move your legs, your arms were tired with your hands behind your back.

"I told you I was coming for you." He said walking up next to you. You tried sit up, so you could back away, but the ropes were too tight. He sat on the bed next to you. He looks a bit sad now.

"I didn't want to kidnap you. I just knew you wouldn't listen to me." He said and caressed your cheek. You wanted to cry, the fear making you want to vomit. You feared what he might and could do and he reeked of Alcohol.

"But you did!" You shouted. He just sighed. You looked away and saw about 15 beer bottles. Once he started to talk, you turned back to face him. On the counter were more bottles, only full and unopened.

"I know, and I feel bad. I did leave a note on your door for your apartment manager saying you moved out, that you went back with your ex. I even packed up all your stuff. I was very careful with your computer and equipment." He said. You looked confused.

"How long was I out?" You asked him. He looked at you, a smile on his face and laid by you, putting his arm around your waste. The smell of alcohol makes you want to vomit but you held it down.

"Three days. I'm driving slow and making a lot of stops so you don't get as sick." He said. You lost control and started to cry. He looked at you when you let out a sob.

"Hey, (y/n) what's wrong? Don't cry. Now that you're up we can head back home to (h/t) soon OK. We are just in a cheap motel." He said. You glared at him. You lost control.

"Fuck you (ex/n)! That's not my..." You started but he covered your nose and mouth again with a cloth to keep you quiet, but you smelled a sweet odor on the cloth. You knew that smell, it was the chloroform. You tried to fight once more, but with the ropes, it was a useless battle.

"Alright bitch, have it your way. I will drag you back and keep you in a room where only I will be able to see you." (ex/n) said. You started to cry again as you faded back into Darkness.








"...stable...didn't make..."

"...(y/n)...(y/n)...(y/n) please wake up."

You woke to that voice. Your vision blurry. You couldn't make out anything, but you heard beeping along with a kind voice.

Only time with tell (Markiplier X Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now