Chapter 5 - The celebration.

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You woke to the smell of bacon. You sat up and yawned. You saw Wade, Bob, and Jack on the living room floor, covered in blankets and pillows under them all. You smiled as you remembered last night. Mark wanted you to take the bedroom, saying you shouldn't have to sleep with a bunch of guys in the living room. You shook you head. If you wanted to sleep in a bed you would have walked the 5 steps to your apartment. The guys only agreed to you not sleeping in the bedroom if you took the couch. You had no choose so, you agreed.

You stood up, following the smell to the kitchen and saw Mark cooking with his back to you. You let out a loud yawn that was meant to be a good morning. He turned, seeing you yawn, and let out a small laugh.

"Good morning (y/n). Would you like a cup of coffee?" He asked. You nodded. He grabbed a mug and poured you a good amount. He put that down along with cream and sugar. After making it the way you love, you took a sip. The feeling of warmth helping you wake up.

"Good morning. Thank you for the coffee." You said as you sat down, drinking the coffee. Mark smiled as he flipped the bacon and you heard another yawn, you looked and saw Bob.

"Why did we stay up till 3am again?" he asked as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"I didn't, you guys did!" Mark said as he finished the bacon and started the eggs. You smiled, holding in a giggle. Soon the others came in, getting a cup of coffee and sat around his table. He put out plates filled with eggs and bacon. You took a bite, as did the others.

"This is really good Mark, thank you" You said. He just smiled and ate his own. Soon everyone finished their plates and Mark was doing the dishes.

"So, what are your guys plans for today?" You asked as everyone sat in the living, well everyone but Mark. Wade shrugged.

"Not sure, we came here to make Mark feel better and get over his ex, but you already did that somehow." Wade said. The room was quiet, Mark had finished the dishes and had sat next to Jack on the couch.

"What should we do today?" Bob asked to no one in particular. It was very quiet before you started to laugh. They just looked at you. Once you calmed down, you spoke.

"Why not make a video you guys, one for each of your channels. I need to go make one anyway, so it won't take long, just a few hours and that will help a lot." You said. They just stared at you.

"Well, I didn't think I would be up for that, seeing as I told them I was a mess, but I think that's a great idea. They don't leave to go home till the day after tomorrow. What do you say guys?" Mark asked. They all nodded, but Jack. He shook his head.

"Only if (y/n) joins in." Jack said with a smile.

"You know what, I agree. (y/n) has to join us." Wade said. You started to blush a bit from embarrassment.

"This can be our way of celebrating your birthday." Mark said. You just laughed and gave in.

"Ok, ok I will join, just let me go, take a shower and get change." You said and stood so you could go to your apartment. It only took you thirty minutes to get ready, putting on a fresh pair of jeans and a white shirt with the YouTube icon on it. You walked over and knocked on Marks door. Bob opened it. That day was filled with games. You had to do a different one for each channel but you all agreed to do a physical game, nothing on the computer.

'Cards against humanity' was done for Bobs channel. Rando was throw in to make it a bit more difficult and Bob won by two cards, you took last place. Rando got zero cards, but there were a few close calls.

'Markiplier makes' was done for Marks channel. This time it was Markiplier makes: Slime. No measuring cups. You won for the feel, but Mark won for the look, as he added confetti shaped like dicks in and Jack won for the sound when you drop it.

'Egg roulette' was done for Wades channel. There were 2 raw guys per-person so there were ten raw eggs and twenty hard boiled eggs, which were being boiled when you just did the slime video. You stayed clean for five rounds but soon you felt the egg break. You did win though with only one egg, the others got two with Jack getting three.

'Change' was done for Jacks channel. Sometimes you had to end the scene because everyone was laughing too much but you each did two rounds so everyone had a different person each time. One round you did with Bob with the word fly, you started as two friends on an airplane but ended with you being an evil octopus trying to take over the world.

'The whisper challenge' was the final one you guys did and it was for your channel. You used tweets to make it extra fun. It was the final round and you went last. You had just read Bob's lips, taking off your headphones you told everyone what you "heard".

"Butterfly's pickling the honey." You said confidently. Everyone laughed.

"No, we all nailed it but you!" Jack said. You yelled out in anger.

"So close to it being perfect! What was the tweet?" You asked. They all smiled.

"We didn't read a tweet. We made one up." Mark said. You looked confused but then Jack disappeared into the kitchen. They dragged you to the kitchen, Mark grabbing the camera, where you saw a small cake that read 'Happy Birthday' on the table that Jack had laid out.

"Happy birthday (y/n)!" They cheered. You blushed and started to laugh.

"We all said We got you a birthday cake (y/n)." Wade said as Jake started to cut the cake. Mark ended the video and you gave each guy a hug before you all gathered and had a slice. It was your favorite kind also.

"Wow, I wasn't expecting this. When did you even get a cake?" You asked. Mark smiled.

"When you went back to your apartment I ran out and got one. It was the last one they had so I hope you like it. I told the guys to stall you if I didn't make it back in time, but I made it back at the right moment. As soon as I closed the door, you knocked not even a half a minute later." Mark said. You laughed at that. If you had been a bit faster, their plan would have failed.

"It's my favorite kind of cake. Thank you everyone, this has been the best. I wasn't going to celebrate my birthday but now, I just did." You said with a smile. They all smiled.

"Your welcome (y/n)." They all said and between 5 people, the cake didn't last long nor were there any leftovers. You had to go back to your apartment, so you told everyone you would see them tomorrow as they insisted you hang out with them on their last day.

"I'll walk with you." Mark said, walking out the door with you. You laughed.

"I'm next door Mark. Did you have a question or something?" You asked now in front of your door.

"No, well yes. I was just wondering if you truly did have fun tonight with everyone." He said. You smiled.

"I really did Mark; your friends are awesome. I did get their numbers, or rather they grabbed my phone and put them in, but they are awesome, just like you." You said. He smiled.

"I'm glad. Sleep well (y/n). See you tomorrow." He said and walked into his apartment. You did as he did, walking into your apartment. You couldn't stop smiling. Today was the best day and you had so much fun. You fell asleep, a giant grin on your face. You didn't feel your phone buzzing next to you as it charged. You didn't hear the voice mail that was being left. All you could hear as you fell asleep was your loud neighbor and his friends talking.

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