Chapter 1

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"Yes!" Alya cheered. She rushed towards her friends to share the good news that she had just recieved from the mail.

Marinette turned to her friend with a big smile. "What is it, Alya? You look so happy."

"I got the job," Alya exclaimed, doing her victory dance. "Out of 37 girls, I got the job to babysit the kids at The Building."

"The Building?" Rose frowned. She had heard Alya talking about this, which she really didn't pay attention to, but somehow the name was too creepy for her.

"The Building is a place they put orphan kids, and I got a job to babysit them," Alya explained. "I love kids, and I've always wanted to go over there, now I finally can."

"Oh yeah, I've heard of The Building," Juleka said, getting out a book. "20 years ago, it was a school, but there were a lot of kids becoming orphans, and parents couldn't pay to get their kids into the school, so they decided to turn it into a place where orphans can stay."

"And that 20 years ago, The Building was the best place. People would always come and visit the kids," Juleka continued. "And some would even adopt them."

"That's so cool," Alya said, "and to think I got a job there."

"What happened to the last baby-sitter though?" Alix asked. "I heard her name was Molly, and she was going to be babysitting the kids for a while."

"Maybe they switch babysitters," Marinette suggested, shrugging. "Anyway, let's head for class before we're late."

"Guys," Alya stopped them. "I don't want to go alone. I don't want you all to miss all the fun, and they said I could invite some of my friends, so..."

"Omg, are you serious, Alya?" Mylene hugged her. "Thank you. Of course I'm so gonna have fun there."

"This is so going to be exciting," Alix commented. "I can't wait to meet the kids."

Rose shuddered. "Y-yeah me too," she faked a smile, and then looked away. She wasn't feeling so well.

"But the weird thing was," Alya explained, "they said no boys are allowed."

"Maybe they just think boys aren't no good at babysitting?" Marinette shrugged. "Or maybe they think..."

"They said boys were going to ruin the fun," Alya interrupted, "which is weird, because aren't boys all about fun?"

"Whatever, lets shake that thought aside," Juleka said. "When is it, Alya?"

"We'll be going on Wednesday," Alya explained. "Don't dress too fancy, because we might be getting dirty there."

"Where are you going?"

The girls groaned at the new, annoying voice. Chloe and Sabrina approached them, Chloe holding her glasses, and Sabrina holding both of their bags.

"No where you have to know of," Rose said, "so back off."

"Aww, look at the tiny twig trying to defend herself," Chloe laughed. She put her glasses back on. "Just tell me where you're going it's not like it's going to kill you!"

"And it's not like it's going to kill you to walk away," Alix said in disgust while Chloe glared at her.

"We're going to The Building," Juleka explained, "although I'm not sure if you know what that place is."

"Of course I do," Chloe rolled her eyes. "One of my relatives used to work there."

"Really?" Now it was Marinette's turn to roll her eyes, realizing that Chloe was obviously telling a lie.

"Whatever. Anyway, can I come?" Chloe asked, looking up at Alya.

"Sorry, only friends can come," Alya answered.

"Whatever, I'm coming along. You're not the only ones that want to see kids after all," Chloe replied. "I'm just going to invite myself, no big deal. I don't need you."

"After, you need to be a babysitter!" Alya exclaimed through gritted teeth.

"Are the rest of your friends babysitters?" Chloe challenged, looking at each and everyone of them.

"Yeah. We like to babysit a lot," Alya answered. "Plus the people babysitting at The Building can bring friends along if they want."

"Seriously Alya? My father is the Mayor, and you dare to talk to me like that. You really have doubted what money can do. Come on Sabrina, let's not waste our time on these poor twigs." Chloe huffed and turned to walk away. Sabrina followed her.

"What a brat!" Marinette groaned. "And just think, well he seeing her at our trip."

"It's fine," Mylene patted her on the back. "Let's not let her get on our nerves. Well just have fun babysitting for the day."

"And let me guess," Alix said, rolling her eyes, "she'll have fun making fun of the kids?"

Everyone, besides Rose, laughed and hurried back to class. Rose hurried along after them, thinking of ways she could tell the others she didn't want to go.

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