Chapter 13

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Rose sat in the van seat patiently.

Who am I kidding? She was walking around the van, worrying because now of them had come out of the building.

She grabbed a book to read. A book Max had gotten along with him. She started reading, until something interrupted her.

Or someone.

"H... Have you seen Molly?!"

Rose turned to the woman, who was trying to catch her breath. She looked at Rose with worried eyes.

"My daughter have been missing for about three weeks now. I did everything to find her, but then I found out she had went to this building," the woman huffed, eating for Rose to say something. "Is she still here? Are you her friend?"

"Molly?" Rose thought. I think I remember her. "Yes, she should be in there." She pointed at the closed gate. "But don't go in!"

"Don't go it?!" The woman yelled. "My daughter is in there, and you're telling me not to go in there?!"

"No, I mean. It's dangerous in there," Rose tried to talk her out of it. "Your daughter... If she's been in there for three weeks, and haven't come out, then..."

"I have to go in there. If it's really dangerous like you say," the woman folded her arms, "then I have to go in there."

"No, it's fine. Some boys have gone in ther to rescue her and my friends," Rose smiled. "My friends also went in there to babysit, but then we found out the Orphanage Building was not actually an orphanage. Just wait like I am."

"You promise my daughter will come out?" The woman was getting impatient. No matter how dangerous Rose said it was in there, she still wanted her daughter to make it out alrighty in one piece.

Rose frowned. What was she supposed to say? Obviously she didn't know if Molly was still in there or not. She didn't even know if the boys and girls we're okay in there.

"Well... I can't promise you. I don't exactly know how it is in there."


"Ooh, I found something." Mylene walked over to a box. It looked kind of like a treasure chest. She opened it, finding many toys inside of it.

She picked up a note that was also taped inside, the others peering from her shoulder to see what the item said.

Can smell food wherever they are.
Afraid of water.
Can eat human skins.
Not humans.

"What does it mean by no humans?" Juleka asked, reading the note again.

"They're not humans. Duh," Sabrina rolled her eyes.

"So then where are the kids that are in the Orphanage Building?" Alya folded her arms.

"They probably wanted to lure us in here so they could eat us," the man shuddered. "I definitely did not sign up for this!"

"ARGH! Don't hold on to me that tight. It hurts!" Someone suddenly yelled. They heard the person fall, and then someone else grumbled.

"Don't... Make me... Kill... You on... The spot..."

"That sounded like Adrien," Marinette exclaimed. She knew that voice anywhere.

"Adrienkins!" Chloe ran off. "Where are you, Adrien?"

"Chloe, wait. Don't run off like that!" Alya yelled. She ran after Chloe's the others following.

Chloe finally stopped at the sight of some person, covered up, who was forcing Adrien to go inside some cage.

"Hey!" She yelled, pointing a finger at the person. "Leave my Adrienkins alone!"

Alya caught her arm before she ran off again. The person in black saw them, but Adrien didn't seem to notice them.

Finally the person was able to get him inside the cage, and Chloe had lost it. She ran after the person, Marinette running after her.

"You two!" Mylene yelled, backing away. "Back away. It's not safe! Don't go any closer!"

Chloe and Marinette did not listen. They ran towards the person, who had managed to put Adrien in the cage.

The person held up her hand, and Chloe and Marinette suddenly tripped, faking to their faces.

They looked up, and gasped. Adrien wasn't the only on in that cage.

A bunch of other kids were in there as well.

Deadly Silence// Miraculous Ladybug✔️⚫Where stories live. Discover now