Chapter 15

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How is Ladybug over there? But I'm Ladybug. Marinette's mouth was hanging wide opened. So this is the person that has been behind this whole mess?

"Ladybug?" Alya stared at the person she thought was a superhero. Ladybug looked exactly like the real Ladybug. The suit, the yoyo. The only thing different was the evil grin and blood escaping from her teeth.

"I'm not Ladybug," the person said. "But when I do get rid of Ladybug, I will be the next Ladybug. I won't save people for their good. Instead I will rule Paris the way I like it."

The girls and man stepped back. In the cage were Adrien and the kids, real kids, who weren't monsters. And in front of them was a villain who was not Ladybug.

Chloe tripped, and started to fall, but Sabrina quickly caught her and dragged her farther away from the fake Ladybug.

"Aw... Are you all... Scared?!"

They went back until they were back at the stairs that they had climbed down to the basement.

Alya looked around, then gasped.

"Where's Marinette?!"


Finally Rose had had it. She had been waiting for a long time. Even though she was known as the kind of girl who was always patient, she couldn't stand it anymore.

Her friends were inside there, probably suffering. Probably getting eaten-

No Rose. They'll make it out, don't worry. They'll be safe. You don't have to worry.

"When will they be coming out?!" The woman yelled. Rose had almost forgotten that she was still there. "I've been waiting for such a long time. Remember, you promised me!"

"I... I didn't exactly promise you," Rose reminded, and the woman glared harder at her.

"You've lied to me!" The woman pointed an accusing finger at her. "You don't think my daughter will make it out. You're just trying to make me feel better."

The woman walked up to the gate, Rose calling for her to come back. The woman wouldn't listen. She opened the gate and stepped inside.

Worried about the woman, Rose stepped inside with her. She took the woman's arm, trying to drag her back, but the gate suddenly banged close behind them.

Rose tried to open the gate, then she looked back at the woman. "It's locked."

The woman frowned. The she too tried opening the gate, but Rose was right. It is was locked.

"Let's move forward," the woman exclaimed. "I gotta find my daughter."

"Listen, I know you care a lot about your daughter, but you can't just step in there," Rose sighed. "It dangerous, scary."

"Well, unlike you, I'm not afraid," the woman growled. Then started walking towards the door.

The door opened by itself, and the woman turned back to Rose. "You coming? Let's go find Molly!"

"Fine," Rose walked to her. Then I can see if the boys and girls are still okay.


"Tikki, spots on!" Marinette yelled. She started transforming, the Ladybug suit covering her civilian clothes.

The others must be worried about me, so I better hurry. Taking her yoyo, Ladybug ran downstairs again.

The fake Ladybug was forcing them inside the cage.

"Go in or I get my kids to eat you..." She growled as she forced Chloe inside.

"Ew," Chloe gagged as she looked was pushed inside in what she called the disgusting cage.

"What are you doing?" Adrien asked as she watched the fake Ladybug move her arms around as if she was putting more people inside the cage.

Then he saw her. Ladybug walked down the stairs. She threw her yoyo, and the yoyo wrapped around the fake Ladybug's neck.

"What?!" The fake Ladybug turned around. "Ladybug?! What are you doing in here?! I simply made sure the front door wouldn't allow any superheroes inside this building!"

"Well what if I went in this building in my civilian form?" Ladybug asked.

"Ladybug! You're here!" Adrien stood up from the cage.

"You can see me?" Ladybug frowned, making Adrien frown as well. "No time to explain, but you..." She turned back to the fake Ladybug. "You're going to be defeated!"


Deadly Silence// Miraculous Ladybug✔️⚫Where stories live. Discover now