Chapter 9

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"What's going on?" Juleka asked. "We can't escape. We can't be seen by the boys. Are we really stuck in here?!"

"Uh, guys, I gotta go somewhere," Marinette started walking backwards. This is getting too much. I have to transform into Ladybug, and at least think of something to do!

"No Marinette, we need to stick together," Alya sighed. "If you went off by yourself, I would be worried sick."

"Well then wait for me here," Marinette suggested. "Right in front of the door."

"No!" Chloe folded her arms. "You think I would want to wait for you, Marinette?" The boys were already starting to come in, one by one, in slowly. "I don't want to stick around here, waiting for you!"

Marinette sighed. What other way was she going to go and transform into Ladybug without them seeing her?

Alya walked up to Nino, and tried to touch him, but her hands just went through him.

They can't see us. We can't touch them.

"Marinette, look out!!" Mylene suddenly yelled out, frightening the others. She pointed behind her.

Marinette felt someone grab her arm. The hands were wet, and the long nails dug in her hand, hurting her.

Marinette looked back to see a kid grinning back at her. When he opened his mouth, a glop of blood dropped down.

"F... Food..."

The kid opened his mouth wide, but Marinette quickly pulled away. The kid's grin turned into an angry growl as soon as she pulled away and he started walking towards her.

"Quick, run!" Sabrina yelled, as she headed back from where they came from. Marinette could do nothing but follow them.

When she looked back, she realized the kid couldn't even see the boys either, and the boys couldn't see the kid.

Why? Are the boys just an illusion? Why can't we be noticed by them and the kid, and why can't they be touched? This doesn't make any sense!


The boys looked around the building. The front door had quickly shut closed once they had stepped inside. They tried opening it, but the door wouldn't budge.

"We have to move on forward!" Nathaniel exclaimed, being the leader again. He started walking to the other direction of the girls and man.

"I heard voices," Ivan said. "I heard someone yelling and another laughing evily, but I couldn't see who."

"I also had this cold feelings as if someone had touched me with cold hands," Nino explained. "But I didn't see who."

"You guys all must be hearing and feeling things," Max said. He hadn't want to come along, but the boys said they needed his smart brain.

The boys continued walking their bags making them walk slower.

"So, exactly where are we going?" Kim asked, looking around at all the pictures the wall had. There were fangs, and then there was "BLOOD" written in what looked like actual blood.

They kept walking. Each step they  took, they shuddered, but they were also ready to fight.They held on to their bag of tools and weapons, such as a stick, nails, even a kitchen knife. What was going to attack them, they didn't know

"Adrien, could you pass the bag you're holding? I remember putting my bag of chips in there," Kim asked, rubbing his stomach. If he had to walk such a long hallway, he would need some snacks to give him energy.

But Adrien didn't answer. Adrien, who was supposed to be behind Kim, kept quiet.

"Adrien, I said to give me the bag!" It was silence. Kim turned around, then gasped. "Guys!"

The others turned to him, and gasped as well. Adrien wasn't with them!


Adrien ran until he reached a door. He had gotten away from the group so he could transform into Cat Noir and help better in that way.

He opened the door, and stepped inside, reaching for the light switch. But as soon as he turned the light on, a sudden hand pressed against his mouth, not allowing him to talk or open his mouth.

"Be... Good... If you... Know... What's good... For... You!"


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